'Dancing Trees' is a feature movie written by Joseph Nasser and directed by Anne Wheeler, with music by Stu Goldberg. In this drama, Amanda plays a mother of an autistic savant. As events of the movie unfold, Amanda's character is murdered and those memories will bring her daughter to despair.

The cast includes Amanda Tapping as Martha's Mother, Katie Boland as Martha, and Nicholas Lea, Brooke Burns, Scott Heindl, Fraser Aitcheson, Melanie Papalia and Silvio Pollio.

Nasser Entertainment Group is the production company.

Stu Goldberg's web site has two video clips from the film.

Video Clip #1 ('Dancing Trees' main titles)
Stu Goldbergs' site has 4 clips from Dancing Trees. The 4th one M17-18 Nightmare - Fishbowl shocked me a bit when I first saw it.
Also the Nasser Entertainment site has a movie a couple entries below Dancing Trees called Bad Son starring Tom McBeath, with a good trailer.
Hi, Darren!
Thank you for the info. Somehow I missed those other clips when I was over there.
Best wishes, Morjana
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