Wed, 14 May 2008
Ellen Dubin - The '08 Edition

Great to catch up with this talented actress as Ellen Dubin discusses a new project that she's working on plus some of her latest movies that are being show. Ellen is candid about how the writer's strike has affected Sci-Fi shows. She is always fun and insightful. Special thanks to Bill Wanstrom of Wanstrom And Associates. Music is by Victor Stellar.
Podcast link
And from the archives:
Mon, 19 February 2007
Ellen Dubin - The '07 Edition
Catching up with this talented actress is always fun. Ellen is starring in Bull as a psychiatrist, in the tele-movie, Abducted: Fugitive For Love, She will play a shape-shifter in the new Lifetime vampire series, Blood Ties.She recently played a school teacher in Hank William's First Nation with Andrew Jackson.We look back at her Lexx reunion at Timeless Destinations in 2006 plus look ahead to the 2007 edition and what makes this convention so special.
Podcast Link
Sun, 28 May 2006
Ellen Dubin
Host Tony Tellado always enjoys talking to this talented and engaging actress. She will be appearing in two recent tele-movies. Ellen has also appeared on several TV series like Mutant X, The Dead Zone, and also has a lead in The Collector.
Podcast Link
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