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Live From Vancouver - Home Of Stargate

Thursday, May 15
by Captain
This marks the 200th post since SCI FI PI hit the blogosphere, and what better way to celebrate than to announce that the next few days of manic ramblings, recommendations and reviews will be coming from downtown Vancouver, just minutes away from the set of Stargate:Atlantis.
Not only will SCI FI PI be gathering crucial info on Stargate: Continuum (at the first ever screening) but we'll also be talking to the stars of Stargate, both SG-1 and Atlantis, as well as the 'God' of Stargate himself, Brad Wright. We'll be getting the scoop on Atlantis Season 4, and possibly even Season 5!
Now that Stargate SG:1 has gone on for a decade, and Atlantis for five seasons, and a new show, Stargate:Universe announced, we're visiting Stargate at a time where the unthinkable has happened - a genuine rival for Star Trek in the 'all time' Sci Fi stakes. We'll try to bring back as much info as possible and share it round in as many forms as possible in the coming days, weeks and months.
For Gaters, a real treat - we'll be trying to add photos from the actual sets - not just the usual slick good-looking 'DVD making of' press release kind of photos, but touch it, feel it, smell it, tourist-style up close and personal happy snaps of puddle jumpers, the Daedalus, and of if we can, Atlantis Base.
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