(Please follow the link for the complete blog update, and for the full-sized, high-resolution format of the photos posted here.)
May 14, 2008: Breaking BOTMC news + updates on my impending nervous breakdown!
Some truly awesome news to kick off today's blog entry. Authors Jennifer Pelland and Kage Baker have kindly agreed to come by and field your questions and comments as part of our July Book of the Month Club discussions. Kage will join us the week of June 30th when we'll be discussing In the Garden of Iden, while Jennifer will be
joining us the week of July 14th for our discussion of Unwelcome Bodies. That gives you all plenty of time to track down the books, read them, and come up with some exceptionally brilliant insights to share with the rest of us. So put down the video game console, turn off the t.v. (There's nothing to watch anyway. Atlantis doesn't
premiere for another month.), and get on it. Past participants have won signed scripts, lifetime subscriptions to Apex SF & Horror Digest, and best wishes for an absolutely swimming weekend.
Well, I was back in the editing suite with detective Mike Banas today, looking to complete my producer's cut of Whispers. As I mentioned yesterday, the director's cut was five and a half minutes over, but once the obvious trims were made, it was down to three and a half minutes over. And once the not-so obvious trims were made, it was only one and a half minutes long. At that point, it became a slow-going, incredibly frustrating, agonizingly lengthy process of line-cutting, dialogue shifting, and scene trimming to finally - finally! - get it down to a mere 35 seconds over. And THAT is when things got REALLY tough. Yes, losing that last half minute or so nearly killed me (either my heart would have given out or I suspect Mike would have strangled me with his bare hands), but I did it. The producer's cut is out. And, I'm very happy with the result. It's a nice, tight, creepy little episode with a dozen or so great scares. All it needs is an exceptionally horrorific score - and that's where composer Joel Goldsmith comes in. I have a feeling he's going to have a blast with
this one.
I returned to the production offices late this afternoon - anxious, exhausted, slightly nauseous, and more than a little combative. In other words, I was in a the perfect mood to give a fellow writer notes on his latest script. Today, that writer happened to be Alan McCullough. The script: Outsiders. Alas, I got to do very little
screaming/script-throwing/couch-jumping. Alan wrote a solid first draft of what is going to be a really good episode. Damnit! And I'd made it a point to wear my couch-jumping shoes today too.
Today's photos: Whispers
Christin writes: "His [Caron Beckett's] turtles are named Michelle and Jeffrey? Seriously? You're pulling my leg (the left one, please, as I'm still having a little trouble with my right knee). I hope there's a good reason for that. "
Answer: Yep.
Michelle writes: "Not to seem pitifully self-absorbed or anything, but is it possible the names of Carson's turtles were inspired by the leaders of a certain save-a-character campaign, SaveCarsonBeckett, led by MICHELLE, and Tara JEFFREY?"
Answer: Hmmm. Isn't that an interesting coincidence? Incidentally, Zelenka has a pet iguana named Kirk.
Linburk writes: "I was wondering, since it will be my first time, when and where you will be having this book discussion with Joe Abercrombie."
Answer: Right here on the blog the week of May 19th.
Paul McGillion

Nicole De Boer

Dr. Carson Becket (Paul McGillion)

Dr. Allison Porter (Nicole De Boer)

Paul and Nicole

Carson and Allison

Carson and Allison

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