(Please follow the link for the complete transcription.)

Conference Call With Joseph Mallozzi & Robert Picardo
Posted by Sam on Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008
Our reporter Linda Craddock has been very busy these past few weeks rounding up interviews for all our fans of “Stargate: Atlantis,” the next Mummy film, the new television series “The Middleman” and more.
She recently sat in on an invitation-only press conference sponsored by the GE CORP AM INITIATIVES GROUP. The conference was attended by Linda and several other reporters as they asked questions of executive producer Joseph Mallozzi and actor Robert Picardo of “Stargate: Atlantis.”
The moderator for this conference was NBC’s Carol Janson and it was arranged by Michele Rosenblatt from the SCI FI Channel. It took place on July 1, 2008 at 12:00 pm CT.
Coordinator: Hello and welcome to the Stargate Atlantis conference call. At the request of NBC, this conference is being recorded for instant replay purposes and a transcript of the call is also being made.
With us on today’s call from Stargate Atlantis are Robert Picardo and Joseph Mallozzi. Also on the call are Carol Janson of NBC and Michele Rosenblatt of SCI FI.
[NOTE: The media included: Monsters and Critics, MediaBlvd, Crown Features, SliceofSciFi.com, FanBolt, Niagara Frontier Publication, The Deadbolt.com, SCIFI.com, TVZone Magazine, SyFyPortal.com, TVaholic.com, IGN.com, Flash News, i09.com and TVsquad.com!)
A brief excerpt:
Coordinator: Our last question does come from Jamie Ruby of MediaBlvd. You may ask your question.
Jamie Ruby: For both of you - what’s both your most favorite part of working on the show and your least favorite part?
Robert Picardo:...It’s not a secret, I think that the Star Trek producers were kind of ivory tower producers who rarely came down to the set to see the actors. In fact, if the producers came to the set, the actors’ response was normally uh-oh, you know, what did we do wrong.
But the Stargate producers visit the set all the time and there’s a very relaxed, you know, kind of easygoing atmosphere. They’ll pop down and say hello to us. They’re not located on the other side of the lot the way the Star Trek ones were at the other end of the Paramount lot, as far away from the sets as they could possibly get.
They’re just upstairs in the, you know, in the - in our main stage, the production office is. So I really like that - that it - what Joe described is, you know, the extended family thing is much more apparent to me here because they really do, you know, mom and dad really do come down to visit the kids on the set. And that’s, you know, that’s - that makes it a very relaxed atmosphere.

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