(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Talking With Robert Picardo of "Stargate: Atlantis"
July 08, 2008
"Stargate: Atlantis," a spinoff of the venerable old Stargate brand, has achieved the lofty goal of developing a rich enough mythology (and sufficiently dedicated fanbase) to stand on its own merits, rather than being mentioned as an afterthought to the superior original. This Friday, July 12th, the show returns for its fifth season,still going strong.
Replacing veteran Stargate actress Amanda Tapping as the head of SG:A is Robert Picardo as Richard Woolsey. No stranger to scifi, Picardo is perhaps best known for his role as the holographic doctor on another spinoff, "Star Trek: Voyager." Voyager may have been less successful than Atlantis in carving its own niche, but Picardo emerged as a much-beloved actor.
In preparation for the series premiere, Picardo, along with SG-1 and Atlantis writer Joseph Mallozzi, sat down with journalists to discuss what's coming next for the show and for the character. As Robert Picardo puts it, he didn't set out to spend 10 years in a jumpsuit, but it's worked out pretty well for him. Check out the highlights from the interview, after the jump.

Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell) and Richard Woolsey (Robert Picardo)
A brief excerpt:
About Woolsey’s reintroduction to the show:
Robert Picardo: Woolsey appears briefly at the end of the season opener, “Search and Rescue,” which is a very exciting, action-oriented episode. He comes in and rather abruptly relieves Carter of command with his characteristic gruffness and lack, I think, of interpersonal skills.
So that’s your first experience of him. In the very next episode, which is called “The Seed,” he faces the first major crisis at his new command. It’s a very dramatic outing for the character. There’s not really much humor in that first one. And he learns the lesson that he can’t simply follow the rule book and do this job. By his own estimation, he’s broken protocol about five times in his first crisis.
And that puts him -- at the end of the show -- in a personal crisis because he’s always sort of defined himself as someone who knows the rule book, evaluates others ability to live by it and now in his first series of crisis command decisions he’s broken his own commitment to protocol in order to save a beloved member of the crew...
The very next episode of “Broken Ties,” although there’s plenty of adventure in the A story, there’s also kind of a B story of Woolsey getting used to the technology of the base.
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