(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

"Who is the Twelfth Cylon?" Lunch at Michael's with Mark Stern, Sci Fi Channel EVP Original Programming
Posted September 4, 2008
by Ed Martin
..."Do you want to know who the final Cylon is?" [Mark] Stern had asked me over coffee, unable to prevent an I-know-something-you-don't-know grin from spreading across his face.
"Sure," I had casually replied, hoping that if I kept my cool he might actually tell me, even off the record.
Realizing that I wasn't going to leave the lunch with a direct answer, I had decided to learn what I could, so I asked Stern what his response was when he learned the secret millions of Galactica fans won't find out until sometime next year, when Sci Fi runs the ten remaining episodes of the series. "It was just right," he replied (after saying it was "delicious"). "It's one of those things that are right under your nose and you don't expect it -- but it makes total sense. I asked [Galactica executive producers] Ron Moore and David Eick, "Have you always planned this, because it's too well laid in over the last three years?" They wouldn't tell me.
"What's great about it is it doesn't feel arbitrary," Stern continued. "It feels like it could have been planned all along..."
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