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There is big news in the Stargate world, and with no new episode of Atlantis to discuss this week GateWorld's editors let their opinions fly on the show's cancellation. Is Atlantis leaving too soon? We also weigh in on the upcoming third series, Stargate Universe, and what we think it has to have in order to bring the franchise to new heights.
And how about that franchise? Is Stargate running on fumes, or will the DVD movies and the new show make it better than it has ever been?
David also fills us in on his trip to Gatecon 2008, and we run down the latest Stargate news and site features. And we have lots of mail in the mailbag and on the GateWorld Podcast Hotline!
This Week's Listener Question: Tell us what you think of Friday's new episode, "Whispers." Does Stargate do the horror genre well? Or do out-of-the-box episodes, like "Wormhole X-Treme" or "200," just not feel like Stargate?
Call the GateWorld Podcast Hotline now and we'll play some of your responses in next week's show! Just dial:
(Long distance rates apply)
You can also leave a comment [at the link above], or post on the Podcast Feedback thread at the forum.
Next Week: We're talking about Friday's new episode, "Whispers." Watch it at 10 p.m. (9 Central) on SCI FI, and tune in for our tenth podcast on Tuesday.
Thanks for listening to the GateWorld Podcast!
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