(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

The Den Of Geek interview: Joe Morton
On the eve of season 3 of Eureka, Joe Morton talks with us about Terminator 2, Brother From Another Planet and hyperventilating...
Martin Anderson
Joe Morton is an accomplished theatre and film actor well known to science-fiction fans for his starring role in John Sayles' cult The Brother From Another Planet. He later went on to appear as Miles Dyson in James Cameron's smash-hit Terminator 2: Judgement Day, and in the John Woo sci-fi actioner Pay Check, based on a Philip K. Dick short story.
Morton is about to begin his third season as resourceful tinkerer Henry Deacon in Eureka (UK: 'A Town Called Eureka'), and we were lucky enough to catch up with him late last week just before he headed off to Comicon in San Diego...
What have you discovered about Henry since you first gave the part some shape? Something that maybe surprised you when you first came across it…?
A nice surprise was that he had a sort of dark past, and part of that past was Kim. And that’s something, I think, that I hadn’t really expected. When that storyline came along, it sort of gave me another facet through which to see who Henry was, in terms of how he loves and how deeply he loves, etc…
Is there enough development in season three to keep you fresh and interested in the role?
Oh yeah! Because Henry is the go-to guy, and because his point-of-view – for the most part – is the ‘silver lining’, then all things are possible [laughs]...
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