(Please follow the link for the complete Media Blvd. Magazine interview.)

Ed Quinn Talks About Changes For 'Eureka' on S3
Wednesday, 06 August 2008
By Kenn Gold, Jim Iaccino & Jennifer Iaccino
Ed Quinn plays Nathan Stark in SCI FI Channel’s Eureka, the story about the town inhabited by geniuses. Nathan, who was brought in after the series pilot to run Global Dynamics has had an interesting change in his character during the first two seasons, and it looks like we will get to see more of his interactions with Sheriff Carter for season 3. The network has also shown it’s faith in the series by giving it a 21 episode order this year (Season 1 was 12 episodes and Season 2 was 13). Eight episodes will be shown first, then an additional 13 will air after a hiatus.
Ed recently stopped by “The Two Doctors” radio show to discuss the new direction that the show will be taking this season, as well as what it means for the cast and crew to have a longer season.
Eureka is such an amazing show and you have to be able to speak the technical lingo. But what is the genre that you are really into when it comes to acting?
Ed Quinn> The darker it can be, or the lighter. I’d really rather be doing dark comedy. I actually love broad comedy. Comedy is really fun because you are trying to tell a real story, but you have the added pressure of trying to do big jokes and get big reversals. The way you work with a cast, Colin and I do a pretty good job of setting each other up. If Stark has a great one line or Colin has a great one liner, it’s great to be able to hit the joke. But what you don’t realize sometimes as an audience member is that what set the joke up is the other guy. Stark ends up ends up getting a whole lot of great one liners on the show, and that’s because Colin Ferguson is such a talented comedian, he knows exactly how to set up. He throws me the softball and I can hit it out of the park. I really do love that, but besides that though, when I watch television I tend to like really, really dark complex dramas. My favorite shows from back in the day are Sopranos and West Wing. Right now Dexter is just such a phenomenal show. That first season of Friday Night Lights was just as good a first season of television as you could find. Those are the kind of shows that really get me excited. It sounds like both ends of the spectrum, but those are the two things that I really look for.

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