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Tampa Bay Rays Welcome "Sanctuary" to Tropicana Field
August 15, 2008
As a continuation of fun community events that they have been hosting this year, on August 30th the Tampa Bay Rays are welcoming Amanda Tapping, Damian Kindler and Robin Dunne of the new Sci Fi Channel series Sanctuary to Tropicana Field. Amanda, Damian and Robin will be signing autographs and meeting with fans from 2:00-3:00 PM. Anyone interested in meeting them can line up near the escalators at Gate 1 as soon as the front gates open at 1:50 PM. After the signing, Amanda, Damian and Robin will also be throwing out the first pitch of the game around 3:50 PM. After the game, the band "We the Kings" will be performing a concert, but first the Rays' very own Rusty will be talking to Amanda, Damian and Robin about the upcoming season of Sanctuary.

1 comment:
Just noticed Amada Tapping in your Labels list. Let the jokes begin...
She's a force of one.
There's hundreds of her out there (mmmm).
She's fleet of foot (ouch but had to be said).
Adama Tapping (has a nice ring).
Taking shippiness to a whole new level.
I think I'll leave it there while there's still a modicum of humour to them
PS Thanks for all the great links to scifi articles.
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