(Please follow the link to download the audio interview and/or read the interview transcript.)

GateWorld talks with Barry Campbell
It has been over two months since the release of Stargate: Continuum on DVD. Whether you like it or hate it, the film would not have become what it was without the contribution of one fan, Barry Campbell.
Campbell, the head of the Navy's Arctic Submarine Laboratory in San Diego, approached producers at one of Creation's official Stargate conventions and piqued their interest in visiting the North Pole. After lengthy talks, Stargate productions spent a week on the arctic ice to shoot for the second direct-to-DVD SG-1 movie.
In our interview, Barry discusses the process of negotiating to get a skeleton Stargate crew to the arctic, his respect for the team during their production shoot, elaborates on the aftermath of the accident aboard the HMS Tireless, and much more!
GateWorld's interview with Barry runs over 21 minutes. Listen online at your leisure, download it to your MP3 player, or subscribe now to the iTunes podcast! The full interview is also transcribed [at the link above]!

A brief excerpt:
GW: How many people can APLIS hold? Generally how many staff it?
BC: Nominally we had staffed up for 40 people. But when we found out that the Stargate folks were going to come up we were going to have to build two more hooches.
GW: Oh you had to build?
BC: Yeah, we had to build extra hooches. And the Navy came to me and said, "In order to keep this from being a conflict of interest we have to get those guys to pony up whatever money it would take for us to boost up the camp."
So they did. We figured out on paper what it would take to host them, to get them up there and get them back from Prudhoe Bay, to feed them, and helicopter time, and all that stuff. And we told John what the number was and he said, "Yeah, that sounds reasonable to me. We'll be willing to do that."
GW: So this wasn't pro bono?
BC: Not at all.
GW: They treated it like a location shoot?
BC: Exactly right. Exactly right. Yeah. And so we boosted the camp up. At one point this time I think we had as many as 55 people overnight. Which is quite a large camp.
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