(Please click on photos for a larger format.)

Ashley Magnus (Emilie Ullerup)

Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping), Henry Foss (Ryan Robbins), Ashley and Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne)

Amy Saunders (Rekha Sharma)


Henry, Helen, Will and Ashley
Episode synopsis from SciFi Talk Forum (please follow the link for the complete synopsis):
Hungry for their first exclusive on-air story, local news reporter Amy Saunders (REKHA SHARMA) and camera operator Zach Spencer (MATTY FINOCHIO) arrive at a shipping warehouse where three people have been brutally attacked and killed by a mysterious creature. While the police and port authorities work out how to best handle the situation, Amy and Zach slip inside the evacuated building, determined to expose whoever or whatever, is wreaking havoc.
Unfortunately, they have no idea what they're really up against. With the camera rolling, it doesn't take long before the inexperienced Amy and Zach find themselves face to face with the horrific and powerful creature.
Magnus (AMANDA TAPPING), Will (ROBIN DUNNE), Ashley (EMILIE ULLERUP) and, Henry (RYAN ROBBINS) gain access to the warehouse just in time to intercept the creature's imminent attack on Amy and Zach ...
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