(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

Posted on Friday 19 December 2008
Robert Pattinson: All Vamped Up
When he beat off famous names to take the part of vampire heartthrob Edward Cullen in the screen adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s award-winning novel, Twilight, relative unknown and Brit Robert Pattinson had no idea what to expect. Over a year later, the 22-year-old has won a place on bedroom walls of teenage girls across the world, and become a mover and shaker in Hollywood, and all without wearing a pair of fangs. How did that happen? David Grove caught up with him to find out more ...
... Are you looking forward to doing a sequel?
Yes, we all are. When I first got this part, I hadn’t read the book, and then I read the first book, and then the other books and it amazed me how this world that Stephenie created just kept expanding and expanding. The possibilities are limitless and I love the second book.
When I signed on to the film the Twilight phenomenon wasn’t as big as it is now, so this has caught all of us by surprise. The whole thing is twice as crazy as it was when we started work on the film. I’d like to do more films until we get to that Midnight Sun story because that’s all about my character and I’m really interested to find out more about Edward.
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