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January 7, 2009: A Surprise Guest Blogger, Sugarless Day #4, and the Mailbag
Talk about signs of the apocalypse! First we had snow in Vegas. Then we had the New England Patriots fail to make the playoffs. And now, my writing and producing partner Paul Mullie has agreed to do a fan Q&A. This from a guy who has made it a point to shun all fan forums and Stargate-related internet chatter over his 9+ years with the franchise, in that time routinely avoiding interviews, viewer mail, and, whenever possible, walking by his office window whenever a fan demonstration was taking place outside. I'll be gathering questions for the Howard Hughes of the Stargate writing department (as he put it: "I'm coming down with Kleenex boxes on my feet and my jars of urine!") starting Friday night, right after the airing of the Atlantis season finale, Enemy at the Gate, which he wrote and produced.

Paul Mullie (photo courtesy of Joseph Mallozzi's blog)
Back in the office today, working on my SGU script. A little slow-going but I'm managing to maintain the snail's pace of one scene a day. By comparison, Carl [Binder] and Marty [Gero] have already delivered their first drafts. Rob [Cooper] and Brad [Wright] have almost completed episode #3. And Alan [McCullough] reports that he is well into the third act of his script. Paul [Mullie], thankfully, is only two pages into the outline of his episode.
More news on the casting front. We have our Scott and Stasiak! Official press release to come!
... Mailbag:
... Joebags writes: "So word on the street says SGU PTB have hired a 20 year old Canadian Idol reject as one of their stars." [Sebastian Pigott]
Answer: Really? I also heard that ground rhino horn increases your libido. Fascinating.
... Craig MD writes: "Regarding the Stargate: Universe casting, I don't remember seeing a "Scott" listed in the casting calls that were released (available on gateworld). Is this a new character or did Jared Nash get a name change?"
Answer: Scott is the new Nash. And green is the new red!
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