(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Happy to be breathing, Lou Diamond Phillips talks 'SGU' & other things
by Curt Wagner on 06.09.10

When Lt. David Telford fought for his every breath during last week's riveting "Stargate Universe," Lou Diamond Phillips knew exactly how to play the scene.
A mishap while filming the shark movie "Red Water" a few years ago left Phillips sucking in water and trying to signal the stunt coordinators that he couldn't breathe.
"They basically strapped me onto a shark rocket because this shark was supposed to grab me and take off with me," he told me during a phone call last week. "Somebody had forgotten to turn on [the regulator] ... so I found myself frantically trying to get air and getting nothing ...
"Finally they got the thing turned on and everything was fine, but I was able to use that very, very vivid memory of not being able to draw a breath for the scene in 'SGU.'"
It was just another day on set for the veteran actor, who does a lot of his own stunts on "SGU" as well, including parts of the fight scenes in "Incursion Parts 1 and 2," the season finale that concludes at 8 p.m. Friday on Syfy.
As "Part 1" ended, Col. Young (Louis Ferreira) had pulled Telford out of the brainwashed state by basically suffocating, then reviving him. Telford is now working undercover with the Lucian Alliance, trying to help Young regain control of the Destiny.
Phillips called the episodes "pretty intense," and although he wasn't going to give any clues as to what ends up happening, he said they were a ball to film--especially those scenes in which he died.
"A lot of the physical stuff, whether it's accidents or a physical state of being, is always fun for me and a challenge," he said. "And something that I like to be very specific about and try to give the audience something they hadn't seen."
Phillips and I talked more about his adventures on "SGU," Twitter, "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here" and told me what he would have served Sen. Armstrong in "Air."
A brief excerpt:
One thing I really like on "SGU" are the heated scenes between you and Louie.
Absolutely. There's a very interesting history there, and one that I think that we're just now starting to investigate through the end of the first season. And as you can tell from what's going on with the end of the season, I mean, things are just going to get more interesting and more dynamic between those two characters.
Robert and Louie have all these really intense scenes and you and Louie do, too. Are you hoping that you somehow get stuck on the Destiny so all three of you can go at it?
I'll tell you something, it's art imitates life every once in a while; its been Telford's mission to get on the Destiny since the beginning. In many ways it's mine as well, because I would like nothing better than to be there on a more consistent basis.

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