Sunday, July 6, 2008

Stargate Atlantis - Janina Gavankar Answers Your Questions!

From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for July 6, 2008:

(Please follow the link for the complete blog update. NEW photos from SGA's season five's episode, 'Whispers,' at the site, including Janina Gavankar, Nicole De Boer, armourer Rob Fournier and Director Will Waring are in their original full-size, high-resolution format. A NEW behind-the-scenes video clip from 'Whispers' with Janina is also at the site.)

July 6, 2008: Actress Janina Gavankar swings by.

Janina Gavankar (Sgt. "Dusty" Mehra) and Nicole De Boer (Dr. Alison Porter)

First, a big public thank you to Kage Baker for dropping by to spend time with us. It was a great Q&A to cap off our discussion on In the Garden of Iden, a BOMTC selection that turned out to be a book a number of you had already read.

Second, finish up The Etched City because author K.J. Bishop will be dropping by later in the week to field your questions. I'm very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this very interesting entry.

Third, actress Janina Gavankar (a.k.a. Sergeant "Dusty" Mehra from season 5's Whispers) is here to respond to your questions. A huge thanks to Janina for taking the time.

Fourth and finally - Il blog di oggi è dedicato ai "fan" italiani di Stargate. Conoscete chi siete!

It was chilly on the set...

Over to Janina…

Hey all! I'm writing this as I road-trip from Cincinnati to Chicago. So. I was telling my friend (, a fan of SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and scifi in general) "sure I'd be open to answering questions, if anyone even cared". She basically smacked me upside the head and told me that real scifi fans embrace n00bs.

So here we go! Sadly, in an attempt to answer all your questions (who knew there'd be so many!), I had to make the answers short. Also, if you don't see your question answered, it's probably been covered already. Stargate Atlantis WAS actually the most fun I've ever had on a gig, and I hope you love the episode as much as we do.




[There are a TON of questions (and answers), so I've selected the one that had a video as part of the explanation as a brief excerpt:]

Leila Philips writes: "Having been in the military I can say that the first time I fired an automatic rifle freaked me out. Soon, though, I was wanting to shoot everything. The machine guns were the best! So, how was your first time firing the weapo ns on Atlantis? If they did scare you at first, did you get to like firing them? Whether you survive on this episode or not would you like to come back and do
future episodes? This isn't as crazy a question as it might seem - just ask Jewel Staite and Paul McGillion."

Joe shot my first time shooting the P90:

It wasn't scary, but it was more power than expected. (You can see from the first shot, I feel the kickback.) And I would LOVE to come back! I had a BLAST!


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