Courtesy of Syfy:
All the Rage - Next Episode - Eureka : Episode 403
A scientist's blind rage could be hazardous for everyone at Global Dynamics...especially Fargo.
Star Trek: The Next Generation's Wil Wheaton guest stars!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Stargate Universe - Syfy Australia SciFi Pi Blog: SGU Set Visit + Video
At Syfy Australia's SciFi Pi blog:
(Please follow the link for the complete article and to view the photos.)
On The Set of Stargate Universe
News Tuesday, July 20 by Captain
We recently had the privilege of visiting Bridge Studios in Vancouver, the home of all things Stargate. If you’ve seen an episode of any of the Stargate shows, you would have seen something that has been created in the suburb of Burnaby, not too far from the heart of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
We did get a chance to have a chat with the cast and crew of Stargate Universe, but we also got to wander around the corridors of The Destiny. Which, as you can imagine, is as cool as cool gets...
(Please follow the link for the complete article and to view the photos.)
On The Set of Stargate Universe
News Tuesday, July 20 by Captain
We recently had the privilege of visiting Bridge Studios in Vancouver, the home of all things Stargate. If you’ve seen an episode of any of the Stargate shows, you would have seen something that has been created in the suburb of Burnaby, not too far from the heart of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
We did get a chance to have a chat with the cast and crew of Stargate Universe, but we also got to wander around the corridors of The Destiny. Which, as you can imagine, is as cool as cool gets...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stargate Universe - MGM Stargate: SGU: Survival Instinct - Game Demo
At MGM Stargate:
SGU: Survival Instinct - Game Demo
Exclusively available on SGU Season 1.5 Blu-ray July 27
SGU: Survival Instinct - Game Demo
Exclusively available on SGU Season 1.5 Blu-ray July 27

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Stargate SG-1 - Syfy Australia: Christopher Judge Video Interview
[NOTE: Video is geo-coded for Australia.]
At Syfy Australia's SciFi Pi blog:
Teal'c Talk with Christopher Judge
News Saturday, July 17 by Captain

Christopher Judge has more charisma in his left finger than most people produce in a lifetime. It's an eerie, indisputable fact. Thus to have an interview with him is to get the full force of the realisation that no, he is not a quiet, carefully worded warrior with a penchant for the perfectly placed eyebrow raise. Not at all.
He is "indeed" an actor who loves his job, loves life and loves being a part of the Stargate family. What he doesn't love is polar bears. Because they can eat you.
When the time came for the cast and crew to head to the Arctic circle to shoot Stargate: Continuum, Christopher was left behind, safe in the knowledge that he would not be left as a red smear on the polar ice by some hungry white beast. He unfortunately missed out on seeing a gigantic naval sub smash through the pack ice, but then he also missed out being stuck in huts in sub zero temperatures and having to have a chap with a hunting rifle shadow you every time you went out.
Sensible chap, that.
We spoke with him on a recent visit to Australia about all things Teal'c, and he gave us the goods about "indeed", how the Zat gun got its pronunciation, his writing efforts on the show and more...
At Syfy Australia's SciFi Pi blog:
Teal'c Talk with Christopher Judge
News Saturday, July 17 by Captain

Christopher Judge has more charisma in his left finger than most people produce in a lifetime. It's an eerie, indisputable fact. Thus to have an interview with him is to get the full force of the realisation that no, he is not a quiet, carefully worded warrior with a penchant for the perfectly placed eyebrow raise. Not at all.
He is "indeed" an actor who loves his job, loves life and loves being a part of the Stargate family. What he doesn't love is polar bears. Because they can eat you.
When the time came for the cast and crew to head to the Arctic circle to shoot Stargate: Continuum, Christopher was left behind, safe in the knowledge that he would not be left as a red smear on the polar ice by some hungry white beast. He unfortunately missed out on seeing a gigantic naval sub smash through the pack ice, but then he also missed out being stuck in huts in sub zero temperatures and having to have a chap with a hunting rifle shadow you every time you went out.
Sensible chap, that.
We spoke with him on a recent visit to Australia about all things Teal'c, and he gave us the goods about "indeed", how the Zat gun got its pronunciation, his writing efforts on the show and more...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis - Syfy Schedule for week July 19 '10
From Syfy's (US) schedulebot:
STARGATE ATLANTIS - 5pm Weekday Rotation

Jul 20 Thirty-eight Minutes - Guest stars include Paul McGillion, Craig Veroni, Christopher Heyerdahl, Ben Cotton and David Nykl.

Jul 21 Suspicion - Guest stars include Paul McGillion, Dean Marshall, Christopher Heyerdahl and David Nykl.

Jul 22 Childhood's End - Guest stars include Courtenay J. Stevens and Dominic Zamprogna.

Jul 23 Poisoning The Well - Guest stars include Alan Scarfe, Allison Hossack, Paul McGillion and Dean Marshall.
STARGATE SG-1 - 6pm Weekday Rotation

Jul 20 The Shroud - Guest stars include Morena Baccarin, Robert Picardo and Richard Dean Anderson.

Jul 21 Bounty - Guest stars include Anne Marie DeLuise, David Lovgren, Mike Dopud, Eric Steinberg and Bill Dow.

Jul 22 Bad Guys - Guest stars include Joshua Malina and Ron Canada.

Jul 23 Talion - Guest stars include Tony Amendola, Craig Fairbrass, Eric Breker, Peter Kent and Lexa Doig.

Stargate: Continuum airs on July 24 at 3:00 a.m. - Guest stars include Cliff Simon, Don S. Davis, William DeVane, Jacqueline Samuda, Ron Halder, Steve Bacic, Peter Williams, Vince Crestejo and Jay Williams.
Stargate episode graphics courtesy of GateWorld
STARGATE ATLANTIS - 5pm Weekday Rotation

Jul 20 Thirty-eight Minutes - Guest stars include Paul McGillion, Craig Veroni, Christopher Heyerdahl, Ben Cotton and David Nykl.

Jul 21 Suspicion - Guest stars include Paul McGillion, Dean Marshall, Christopher Heyerdahl and David Nykl.

Jul 22 Childhood's End - Guest stars include Courtenay J. Stevens and Dominic Zamprogna.

Jul 23 Poisoning The Well - Guest stars include Alan Scarfe, Allison Hossack, Paul McGillion and Dean Marshall.
STARGATE SG-1 - 6pm Weekday Rotation

Jul 20 The Shroud - Guest stars include Morena Baccarin, Robert Picardo and Richard Dean Anderson.

Jul 21 Bounty - Guest stars include Anne Marie DeLuise, David Lovgren, Mike Dopud, Eric Steinberg and Bill Dow.

Jul 22 Bad Guys - Guest stars include Joshua Malina and Ron Canada.

Jul 23 Talion - Guest stars include Tony Amendola, Craig Fairbrass, Eric Breker, Peter Kent and Lexa Doig.

Stargate: Continuum airs on July 24 at 3:00 a.m. - Guest stars include Cliff Simon, Don S. Davis, William DeVane, Jacqueline Samuda, Ron Halder, Steve Bacic, Peter Williams, Vince Crestejo and Jay Williams.
Stargate episode graphics courtesy of GateWorld
Covert Affairs - Video: "Walter's Walk" Episode Trailer
Haven - Video: 'Butterfly'
Eureka - Video: 'A New World'
Haven - Syfy: Digital Poscards
At Syfy:
In Haven, there's more than meets the eye
Send friends personalized greetings from the town of mystery by choosing any of the nine postcards [at the link above]. Simply fill out all the required fields in the form [at the site], preview your crafty message and send.
In Haven, there's more than meets the eye
Send friends personalized greetings from the town of mystery by choosing any of the nine postcards [at the link above]. Simply fill out all the required fields in the form [at the site], preview your crafty message and send.

Haven - Syfy: Podcast
At Syfy:
HAVEN Podcasts
With the Haven podcast, you can listen to exclusive commentary by the people behind each episode while you're watching it.
Beware of spoilers! Although the commentary is provided before you watch the episode, it is meant to be listened to while watching the episode. Listening to it beforehand might ruin certain dramatic surprises.
Also, commentary by the cast is presented unedited and uncensored, and may contain adult language. Listener discretion is advised.
Download Episode 101
HAVEN Podcasts
With the Haven podcast, you can listen to exclusive commentary by the people behind each episode while you're watching it.
Beware of spoilers! Although the commentary is provided before you watch the episode, it is meant to be listened to while watching the episode. Listening to it beforehand might ruin certain dramatic surprises.
Also, commentary by the cast is presented unedited and uncensored, and may contain adult language. Listener discretion is advised.
Download Episode 101

Warehouse 13 - Syfy: Season Two Podcasts
At Syfy:
WAREHOUSE 13 Podcasts
With the Warehouse 13 podcast, you can listen to exclusive commentary by the cast and crew about each episode, while you're watching it.
Beware of spoilers! Although the commentary is provided before you watch the episode, it is meant to be listened to while watching the episode. Listening to it beforehand might ruin certain dramatic surprises.
Also, commentary by the cast is presented unedited and uncensored, and may contain adult language. Listener discretion is advised.

Podcast Episode 201
Podcast Episode 202
WAREHOUSE 13 Podcasts
With the Warehouse 13 podcast, you can listen to exclusive commentary by the cast and crew about each episode, while you're watching it.
Beware of spoilers! Although the commentary is provided before you watch the episode, it is meant to be listened to while watching the episode. Listening to it beforehand might ruin certain dramatic surprises.
Also, commentary by the cast is presented unedited and uncensored, and may contain adult language. Listener discretion is advised.

Podcast Episode 201
Podcast Episode 202
Warehouse 13 - Syfy: Hunt for the Zodiac Sweepstakes
At Syfy:
WAREHOUSE 13 - Hunt for the Zodiac Sweepstakes
Each week, Pete and Myka encounter new treasures in America's Attic. Now, Syfy is giving you the chance to do the same. We can't promise artifacts of unimaginable power, but we can offer a weekly giveaway in which you can win excellent Warehouse 13 prizes, including Season One on DVD and Warehouse logo mugs.
Enter now [at the link above] for your chance to win, and be sure to watch Warehouse 13 Tuesdays 9/8c for more secrets from the Zodiac.
Sweepstakes ends on August 18, 2010 at 11:59 P.M. ET.
Sweepstakes Official Rules
WAREHOUSE 13 - Hunt for the Zodiac Sweepstakes
Each week, Pete and Myka encounter new treasures in America's Attic. Now, Syfy is giving you the chance to do the same. We can't promise artifacts of unimaginable power, but we can offer a weekly giveaway in which you can win excellent Warehouse 13 prizes, including Season One on DVD and Warehouse logo mugs.
Enter now [at the link above] for your chance to win, and be sure to watch Warehouse 13 Tuesdays 9/8c for more secrets from the Zodiac.
Sweepstakes ends on August 18, 2010 at 11:59 P.M. ET.
Sweepstakes Official Rules

Stargate Universe - Syfy at San Diego's Comic Con 2010
At Syfy:
Syfy at San Diego's Comic Con 2010 - Friday July 23 - Saturday July 24
San Diego's Comic Con 2010 (Please click this link for more general information on Comic Con 2010)
Panel Schedule | Friday July 23

Stargate Universe
10:30AM - 11:30AM, Ballroom 20
Moderator: Robert Cooper
Panelists: Robert Carlyle, David Blue, Ming-Na, Louis Ferreira
11:30AM - 12:30PM, Ballroom 20
Moderator: Geoff Boucher, Los Angeles Times
Panelists: Alessandra Torresani, Sasha Roiz, Ron Moore, David Eick
Syfy Friday Night Screening
8:45PM - 10:45PM, Room 6A
All New Episodes of Eureka and Haven
Introduced by Jaime Paglia
Syfy Original Movies and Chiller Present Mega Piranha
11:00PM - 12:30AM, Room 6A
Screening of Mega Piranha
Introduced by Tiffany
Panel Schedule | Saturday July 23

1:00PM - 2:00PM, Hilton Bayfront, Indigo Ballroom
Moderator: Josh Gates
Panelists: Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Martin Wood, Damian Kindler
Warehouse 13 and Eureka
3:30PM - 5:00PM, 6BCF
Moderators: Neil Grayston & Allison Scagliotti
Warehouse 13 Panelists: Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, Allison Scagliotti, Jack Kenny
Eureka Panelists: Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Neil Grayston, James Callis, Jaime Paglia, Bruce Miller
Syfy at San Diego's Comic Con 2010 - Friday July 23 - Saturday July 24
San Diego's Comic Con 2010 (Please click this link for more general information on Comic Con 2010)
Panel Schedule | Friday July 23

Stargate Universe
10:30AM - 11:30AM, Ballroom 20
Moderator: Robert Cooper
Panelists: Robert Carlyle, David Blue, Ming-Na, Louis Ferreira
11:30AM - 12:30PM, Ballroom 20
Moderator: Geoff Boucher, Los Angeles Times
Panelists: Alessandra Torresani, Sasha Roiz, Ron Moore, David Eick
Syfy Friday Night Screening
8:45PM - 10:45PM, Room 6A
All New Episodes of Eureka and Haven
Introduced by Jaime Paglia
Syfy Original Movies and Chiller Present Mega Piranha
11:00PM - 12:30AM, Room 6A
Screening of Mega Piranha
Introduced by Tiffany
Panel Schedule | Saturday July 23

1:00PM - 2:00PM, Hilton Bayfront, Indigo Ballroom
Moderator: Josh Gates
Panelists: Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Martin Wood, Damian Kindler
Warehouse 13 and Eureka
3:30PM - 5:00PM, 6BCF
Moderators: Neil Grayston & Allison Scagliotti
Warehouse 13 Panelists: Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, Allison Scagliotti, Jack Kenny
Eureka Panelists: Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Neil Grayston, James Callis, Jaime Paglia, Bruce Miller
Star Trek: The Exhibition - Sacramento's Aerospace Museum of California
At the Aerospace Museum of California:
(Please follow the link for more information on the exhibit, ticket prices, and museum location in Sacramento.)
Opened May 28, 2010 - Closes January 5, 2011
Now, you have a chance to experience Star Trek as never before. Not as cinema or TV, not as a convention, but hands-on, live, up-close and in-person. You can explore the worlds, the wisdom, the science, the stories, the cultures, characters, fashions and the fantasies of the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek the Exhibition is the largest collection of authentic Star Trek artifacts and information ever put on public display. A truly impressive array of exhibits featuring sets, costumes, priceless museum pieces and props from all five Star Trek television series and eleven Star Trek feature films, including the new blockbuster film [that was recently] in theaters. Together these components offer Star Trek fans and novices alike an opportunity to experience first-hand the imagination, artistry, technology and meticulous craftsmanship that have made Star Trek the most enduring science fiction franchise in history.

Star Trek the Exhibition is the ultimate experience for fans and first-timers. It is like having your own personal “holodeck” to place you inside the excitement, drama and imagination of Star Trek. Come aboard the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, sit in the Captain’s chair, see the actual props and costumes used in the TV series’ and films, and enjoy one-of-a-kind displays, interactive kiosks, rare photo opportunities and unique adventures. Excite your kids. Inspire your spouse. Reconnect with your own spirit of adventure. Boldly go.
(Please follow the link for more information on the exhibit, ticket prices, and museum location in Sacramento.)
Star Trek - The exhibition
Opened May 28, 2010 - Closes January 5, 2011
Now, you have a chance to experience Star Trek as never before. Not as cinema or TV, not as a convention, but hands-on, live, up-close and in-person. You can explore the worlds, the wisdom, the science, the stories, the cultures, characters, fashions and the fantasies of the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek the Exhibition is the largest collection of authentic Star Trek artifacts and information ever put on public display. A truly impressive array of exhibits featuring sets, costumes, priceless museum pieces and props from all five Star Trek television series and eleven Star Trek feature films, including the new blockbuster film [that was recently] in theaters. Together these components offer Star Trek fans and novices alike an opportunity to experience first-hand the imagination, artistry, technology and meticulous craftsmanship that have made Star Trek the most enduring science fiction franchise in history.

Star Trek the Exhibition is the ultimate experience for fans and first-timers. It is like having your own personal “holodeck” to place you inside the excitement, drama and imagination of Star Trek. Come aboard the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, sit in the Captain’s chair, see the actual props and costumes used in the TV series’ and films, and enjoy one-of-a-kind displays, interactive kiosks, rare photo opportunities and unique adventures. Excite your kids. Inspire your spouse. Reconnect with your own spirit of adventure. Boldly go.
Haven - Syfy: Video - 'Harmony' Episode Trailer
Courtesy of Syfy:
Harmony - Next Episode - Haven
When patients escape from a psychiatric hospital in Haven, the doctors begin to loose their minds.
Harmony - Next Episode - Haven
When patients escape from a psychiatric hospital in Haven, the doctors begin to loose their minds.
Eureka - Syfy: Video - Sneak Peak of 'All the Rage'
Courtesy of Syfy:
All the Rage - Sneak Peek - Eureka
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Eureka, "All the Rage".
Star Trek: The Next Generation's Will Wheaton guest stars.
All the Rage - Sneak Peek - Eureka
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Eureka, "All the Rage".
Star Trek: The Next Generation's Will Wheaton guest stars.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Psych: Video: 'Romeo and Juliet and Juliet'
Covert Affairs - Video: Pilot
Courtesy of USA and HULU:
Covert Affairs - Pilot
Season 1 : Ep. 1|1:05:22|
Annie Walker is removed from the CIA training school and thrust into the inner sanctum of the Agency for what appears to be their need of her exceptional linguistic skills, but there may be something from her past that her CIA bosses are really after.
Cast includes Piper Perabo, Christopher Gorham, Kari Matchett, Peter Gallagher and Anne Dudek.
Covert Affairs - Pilot
Season 1 : Ep. 1|1:05:22|
Annie Walker is removed from the CIA training school and thrust into the inner sanctum of the Agency for what appears to be their need of her exceptional linguistic skills, but there may be something from her past that her CIA bosses are really after.
Cast includes Piper Perabo, Christopher Gorham, Kari Matchett, Peter Gallagher and Anne Dudek.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Warehouse 13 - Video: 'Mild Mannered'
Stargate Universe: Joseph Mallozzi's Blog: Stargate Atlantis Crossover with SGU?
From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for July 15, 2010:
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update.)
July 15, 2010: Atlantis crossover? Which begs all sorts of questions! And another BIG guest blogger announcement!
With word from producer John G. Lenic that the deals have been closed on those Atlantis alums, we can now move forward on the script, secure in the knowledge that both extra-special guest stars will actually be on hand to say the dialogue written for specifically for them. Great news for fans of the old series. There was a reluctance to move ahead with an SGA crossover, particularly on my part, because the feeling was it would step on the timing of the SGA movie, Stargate: Extinction, the events of which directly proceed the Atlantis series finale, Enemy at the Gate. But given the delay on the movie front and the ideal premise pitched out by Remi Aubuchon and Brad Wright, it was decided to go ahead with the crossover. Not a big deal, but it will require some changes to the Stargate: Extinction timeline which, in turn, will beg a host of questions, some of which will be answered in episode #15, some of which won’t…at least not right away:
... Hey, I just noticed that even though I mentioned the deals had been closed, I didn’t reveal which characters would be putting in an appearance.
That’s because SyFy will be making the grand announcement when the time comes. Watch for it!
(Please follow the link for the complete blog update.)
July 15, 2010: Atlantis crossover? Which begs all sorts of questions! And another BIG guest blogger announcement!
With word from producer John G. Lenic that the deals have been closed on those Atlantis alums, we can now move forward on the script, secure in the knowledge that both extra-special guest stars will actually be on hand to say the dialogue written for specifically for them. Great news for fans of the old series. There was a reluctance to move ahead with an SGA crossover, particularly on my part, because the feeling was it would step on the timing of the SGA movie, Stargate: Extinction, the events of which directly proceed the Atlantis series finale, Enemy at the Gate. But given the delay on the movie front and the ideal premise pitched out by Remi Aubuchon and Brad Wright, it was decided to go ahead with the crossover. Not a big deal, but it will require some changes to the Stargate: Extinction timeline which, in turn, will beg a host of questions, some of which will be answered in episode #15, some of which won’t…at least not right away:
... Hey, I just noticed that even though I mentioned the deals had been closed, I didn’t reveal which characters would be putting in an appearance.
That’s because SyFy will be making the grand announcement when the time comes. Watch for it!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Warehouse 13 - Syfy: Video: 'Beyond Our Control' Episode Trailer
Courtesy of Syfy:
Beyond Our Control - Next Episode - Warehouse 13 : Episode 203
The Warehouse team encounters a B-movie meltdown in the town next door.
Beyond Our Control - Next Episode - Warehouse 13 : Episode 203
The Warehouse team encounters a B-movie meltdown in the town next door.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Haven - Syfy: Video - Sneak Peak of 'Butterfly'
Courtesy of Syfy:
Butterfly - Sneak Peek - Haven
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Haven, "Butterfly".
Butterfly - Sneak Peek - Haven
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Haven, "Butterfly".
Eureka - Syfy: Video - Sneak Peak of 'A New World'
Courtesy of Syfy:
A New World - Sneak Peek - Eureka
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Eureka, "A New World".
A New World - Sneak Peek - Eureka
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Eureka, "A New World".
Warehouse 13 - Syfy: Video: Sneak Peek of 'Mild Mannered'
Courtesy of Syfy:
Mild Mannered - Sneak Peek - Warehouse 13
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Warehouse 13, "Mild Mannered".
Guest stars include Firefly's Sean Maher and Stargate Atlantis' Jewel Staite. Airs Tuesday, July 13 at 9pm on Syfy (US).
Mild Mannered - Sneak Peek - Warehouse 13
Watch a sneak peek from the next all-new episode of Warehouse 13, "Mild Mannered".
Guest stars include Firefly's Sean Maher and Stargate Atlantis' Jewel Staite. Airs Tuesday, July 13 at 9pm on Syfy (US).
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Murder on the Orient Express - TV Guide: TV Hot List: Sunday, July 11, 2010
At TV Guide Online:
(Please follow the link for the complete column.)
Tonight's TV Hot List: Sunday, July 11, 2010
... Masterpiece Mystery!
9/8c PBS
This taut take on Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express finds masterful Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot (David Suchet) facing his toughest case yet when he investigates the slaying of an American aboard a snowbound train the day after the man had asked him for protection. — Jeff Gemmill
[NOTE: Stargate Universe's Brian J. Smith also co-stars]

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
(Please follow the link for the complete column.)
Tonight's TV Hot List: Sunday, July 11, 2010
... Masterpiece Mystery!
9/8c PBS
This taut take on Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express finds masterful Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot (David Suchet) facing his toughest case yet when he investigates the slaying of an American aboard a snowbound train the day after the man had asked him for protection. — Jeff Gemmill
[NOTE: Stargate Universe's Brian J. Smith also co-stars]

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Jeffrey Donovan - Burn Notice: Video - Neighborhood Watch
Courtesy of USA and HULU:
USA Burn Notice - Neighborhood Watch
Season 4 : Ep. 5 |42:55| |Closed Captions available
A reluctant doctor turns to Michel for help when a group of vicious drug dealers terrorize his neighborhood clinic. Along the way, Michael is drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a sadistic killer.
USA Burn Notice - Neighborhood Watch
Season 4 : Ep. 5 |42:55| |Closed Captions available
A reluctant doctor turns to Michel for help when a group of vicious drug dealers terrorize his neighborhood clinic. Along the way, Michael is drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a sadistic killer.
Eureka - Syfy: Video: 'Founder's Day'
Haven - Syfy: Video: Series Pilot - 'Welcome to Haven'
Courtesy of Syfy and HULU:
Haven - Welcome to Haven
Season 1 : Ep. 1|43:37|
A routine case for agent Audrey Parker leads to a string of unexplainable phenomena.
Haven - Welcome to Haven
Season 1 : Ep. 1|43:37|
A routine case for agent Audrey Parker leads to a string of unexplainable phenomena.
Haven - Syfy: Video: 'Butterfly' Episode Trailer
Courtesy of Syfy:
Butterfly - Next Episode - Haven : Episode 102
Audrey must find the culprit who is committing dangerous acts around town, before she becomes the next target.
Butterfly - Next Episode - Haven : Episode 102
Audrey must find the culprit who is committing dangerous acts around town, before she becomes the next target.
Eureka - Syfy: Video: ' A New World' Episode Trailer
Courtesy of Syfy:
A New World - Next Episode - Eureka
When the group gets back to present day Eureka, they discover that normal just left town.
Eureka airs Friday at 9pm on Syfy (US).
A New World - Next Episode - Eureka
When the group gets back to present day Eureka, they discover that normal just left town.
Eureka airs Friday at 9pm on Syfy (US).
Friday, July 9, 2010
Stargate Universe - Show Patrol: Brian J. Smith of 'SGU' 'gates to 'Orient Express'
At Chicago Now's Show Patrol (Chicago, IL):
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Brian J. Smith of 'SGU' 'gates to 'Orient Express'
by Curt Wagner on 07.09.10
Brian J. Smith planned to relax in New York City after he finished filming the first season of "Stargate Universe" last winter.
Before he knew it, he had booked passage on the Orient Express. Well, actually he landed a part in the latest adaptation of Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express," which premieres at 8 p.m. Sunday on PBS (WTTW in Chicago).
Smith plays Hector MacQueen, the multi-lingual assistant to hateful American businessman. They board the Orient Express and cross paths with the famed detective Hercule Poirot--and with murder. (Of course I'm not going to tell you any more about it!)

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Brian J. Smith of 'SGU' 'gates to 'Orient Express'
by Curt Wagner on 07.09.10
Brian J. Smith planned to relax in New York City after he finished filming the first season of "Stargate Universe" last winter.
Before he knew it, he had booked passage on the Orient Express. Well, actually he landed a part in the latest adaptation of Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express," which premieres at 8 p.m. Sunday on PBS (WTTW in Chicago).
"It came completely out of the blue," Smith told me this week during a break in shooting S2 of "SGU" in Vancouver. "I think I was in New York for like five days when my agent called ... I was really intrigued by the character."
Smith plays Hector MacQueen, the multi-lingual assistant to hateful American businessman. They board the Orient Express and cross paths with the famed detective Hercule Poirot--and with murder. (Of course I'm not going to tell you any more about it!)

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
Stargate Atlantis - PropWorx: Video Blog: Atlantis Expedition Logo
Courtesy of PropWorx:
Video Blog: Atlantis Expedition Logo
July 9, 2010 by David Read
This week’s exclusive Propworx video features a close-up look at the Atlantis expedition logo from the administrator’s office, seen from Seasons Two through Five of Stargate Atlantis!
This exquisite piece is the only one of its kind, and sat behind the desk of Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Colonel Samantha Carter, and Richard Woolsey.
This piece will be featured in our live auction, exclusively from Propworx.
Video Blog: Atlantis Expedition Logo
July 9, 2010 by David Read
This week’s exclusive Propworx video features a close-up look at the Atlantis expedition logo from the administrator’s office, seen from Seasons Two through Five of Stargate Atlantis!
This exquisite piece is the only one of its kind, and sat behind the desk of Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Colonel Samantha Carter, and Richard Woolsey.
This piece will be featured in our live auction, exclusively from Propworx.
Robert Picardo: Video: "The Legends of Nethiah" Official Trailer
Courtesy of The Legends of Nethiah You Tube channel:
"The Legends of Nethiah" Official Trailer
"The Legends of Nethiah" Official Trailer. Directed by Russ Emanuel, produced by Howard Nash, and starring Robert Picardo (Wonder Years, Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate Atlantis), John Heard (Home Alone, P.J.), Theresa Russell (Spiderman 3), and introducing Jeremiah Sayys, Jared Young, Julie Michaels, Laura Covelli, and Jilon Ghai.
"The Legends of Nethiah" Official Trailer
"The Legends of Nethiah" Official Trailer. Directed by Russ Emanuel, produced by Howard Nash, and starring Robert Picardo (Wonder Years, Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate Atlantis), John Heard (Home Alone, P.J.), Theresa Russell (Spiderman 3), and introducing Jeremiah Sayys, Jared Young, Julie Michaels, Laura Covelli, and Jilon Ghai.
Eureka - USA Weekend: Colin Ferguson Interview
At USA Weekend:
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Colin Ferguson talks ‘Eureka’ season premiere and reboot
July 9th, 2010 by Brian Truitt
Colin Ferguson is living a charmed life. If only he could take advantage of all of it. The Eureka star is getting all sorts of offers for directing other shows’ episodes, but being a producer this year on his Syfy series, as well as directing an episode in Eureka’s fourth season (premiering tonight), Ferguson just doesn’t have the time. It’s just as well since Eureka — which is “definitely a well-oiled machine at this point,” Ferguson says — is in for some MAJOR changes and a definite show reboot starting with tonight’s episode. The town of Eureka, a haven for genius scientists and their wacky inventions and discoveries, is celebrating its Founder’s Day, and Sheriff Jack Carter (Ferguson) and other townsfolk wind up back in 1947, where they run into a military outfit and one of those Eureka founders, Dr. Trevor Grant (played by former Battlestar Galactica mainstay James Callis). Ferguson is on vacation and spending some time visiting his parents near Toronto before heading to Comic-Con in a couple weeks, but he called in Wednesday to chat about what this season holds for him and what he has in common with the canine population. Read below for our Q&A (WARNING: Spoilery bits ahead, so you may want to hold off reading till after tonight’s episode).

A brief excerpt:
What I like about Carter is even though we’ve had three seasons of scientific nuttiness, he still has that youthful enthusiasm for all the things going on around him. Does that cross over for you in terms of enthusiasm for something new from the writers every episode?
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
Colin Ferguson talks ‘Eureka’ season premiere and reboot
July 9th, 2010 by Brian Truitt
Colin Ferguson is living a charmed life. If only he could take advantage of all of it. The Eureka star is getting all sorts of offers for directing other shows’ episodes, but being a producer this year on his Syfy series, as well as directing an episode in Eureka’s fourth season (premiering tonight), Ferguson just doesn’t have the time. It’s just as well since Eureka — which is “definitely a well-oiled machine at this point,” Ferguson says — is in for some MAJOR changes and a definite show reboot starting with tonight’s episode. The town of Eureka, a haven for genius scientists and their wacky inventions and discoveries, is celebrating its Founder’s Day, and Sheriff Jack Carter (Ferguson) and other townsfolk wind up back in 1947, where they run into a military outfit and one of those Eureka founders, Dr. Trevor Grant (played by former Battlestar Galactica mainstay James Callis). Ferguson is on vacation and spending some time visiting his parents near Toronto before heading to Comic-Con in a couple weeks, but he called in Wednesday to chat about what this season holds for him and what he has in common with the canine population. Read below for our Q&A (WARNING: Spoilery bits ahead, so you may want to hold off reading till after tonight’s episode).

A brief excerpt:
What I like about Carter is even though we’ve had three seasons of scientific nuttiness, he still has that youthful enthusiasm for all the things going on around him. Does that cross over for you in terms of enthusiasm for something new from the writers every episode?
It comes from both of us. I think that’s what they saw in me that they see in themselves real well. I’ve always been compared to a dog as a person: “You’re just so like a dog!” Because I am. I’m loyal and I do my thing, and at the same time you’re just like, “What’s that?!” I’m always game for whatever’s going on. I know it comes for me very naturally, and the writers are always so excited. Even if it’s a terrible idea — because sometimes they are, right? — they’re like, “We got this idea! It’s going to be great! There’s this little button and it sticks in your neck…” And we’re going, “That’s a terrible idea!” Everyone is very giving with their enthusiasm and that’s very genuine.
Eureka - SciFi Wire: 10 developments will change everything on Eureka (spoilers)
At SciFi Wire:
(Please follow the link for the complete SciFi Wire article.)
10 developments will change everything on Eureka (spoilers)
By Kathie Huddleston
ON 07/09/10
On tonight's season four premiere of Syfy's Eureka, everything will change for our heroes, said Eureka's creator and executive producer Jaime Paglia in an exclusive interview. And don't expect things to go back to normal anytime soon. The repercussions from "Founder's Day" will follow the characters all season long.
To get the scoop about the new season, we talked to Paglia, and the show's stars, Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, and new regular James Callis about the game-changing season premiere, why dinosaurs might be visiting Eureka, and why James Callis feels like he's living in an alternate universe...
(Please follow the link for the complete SciFi Wire article.)
10 developments will change everything on Eureka (spoilers)
By Kathie Huddleston
ON 07/09/10
On tonight's season four premiere of Syfy's Eureka, everything will change for our heroes, said Eureka's creator and executive producer Jaime Paglia in an exclusive interview. And don't expect things to go back to normal anytime soon. The repercussions from "Founder's Day" will follow the characters all season long.
To get the scoop about the new season, we talked to Paglia, and the show's stars, Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, and new regular James Callis about the game-changing season premiere, why dinosaurs might be visiting Eureka, and why James Callis feels like he's living in an alternate universe...

Haven - Give My My Remote: Emily Rose Interview
At Give Me My Remote:
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
HAVEN Star Emily Rose on Stephen King, Love Triangles and Kicking Butt
July 9, 2010 by Marisa
Syfy debuts its newest series, HAVEN, tonight (July 9) and it’s definitely worth checking out.
Emily Rose plays Agent Audrey Parker, who is sent to Haven, Maine on a case where things aren’t exactly as they seem– and that includes her own mysterious past.

Emily Rose
A brief excerpt:
Audrey also gets kicked around a fair deal in the pilot. Will the supernatural elements of Haven continue to get the best of her?
(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)
HAVEN Star Emily Rose on Stephen King, Love Triangles and Kicking Butt
July 9, 2010 by Marisa
Syfy debuts its newest series, HAVEN, tonight (July 9) and it’s definitely worth checking out.
Emily Rose plays Agent Audrey Parker, who is sent to Haven, Maine on a case where things aren’t exactly as they seem– and that includes her own mysterious past.

Emily Rose
A brief excerpt:
Audrey also gets kicked around a fair deal in the pilot. Will the supernatural elements of Haven continue to get the best of her?
Yeah, I think that’s the great thing about the story is Audrey sort of finds herself getting batted around by these supernatural things that are happening in Haven. I can speak honestly here about the weather [you see on the show]– that’s reality. I deal with that on a daily basis: wind and rain and freezing temperatures. It’s always a challenge. They should have an acting school– a class– where they change the temperature in the room every five minutes because to do your scenes with all those changing elements…wind machines and leaves. And I had to do a scene in the pilot for the [big] storm and they were literally throwing clumps of dirt at my face. I was going, “I don’t know how to do this!” But yeah, I think you will see Audrey grappling with the powers in Haven and we’ll try and figure out what to do with them.

Stargate Universe - San Diego Comic Con Friday July 23 Schedule
San Diego Comic Con just released their FridayJuly 23 schedule:
(Please follow the link for the complete schedule.)
10:30-11:30 Stargate Universe
— Follow your Destiny. Catch the Syfy Stargate Universe panel, featuring Robert Carlyle (Dr. Nicholas Rush), David Blue (Eli Wallace), Ming Na (Camile Wray), and Louis Ferreira (Colonel Everett Young), moderated by Robert Cooper (series co-creator). Ballroom 20

Louis Ferreira, Robert Caryle, and Ming Na
(Please follow the link for the complete schedule.)
10:30-11:30 Stargate Universe
— Follow your Destiny. Catch the Syfy Stargate Universe panel, featuring Robert Carlyle (Dr. Nicholas Rush), David Blue (Eli Wallace), Ming Na (Camile Wray), and Louis Ferreira (Colonel Everett Young), moderated by Robert Cooper (series co-creator). Ballroom 20

Louis Ferreira, Robert Caryle, and Ming Na
Stargate Universe - SFX Magazine: Video: Alaina Huffman Interview
Courtesy of SFX Magazine:
EXCLUSIVE Stargate Universe Video Interviews – Day Five
Season one of Stargate Universe hits DVD and Blu-ray this week and, to celebrate, we’re hosting an exclusive series of interviews with the cast filmed on the set of the Destiny!
For your final batch of interviews we have another video from the charming Lou Diamond Phillips, this time discussing what it’s like to work with the rest of the Stargate Universe cast. Keeping him company is Alaina Huffman – the Destiny’s reluctant doctor rather fittingly sitting in the infirmary to discuss her character, and wearing an outfit we’ll probably never see Tamara Johansen (TJ for short) wearing on the show… alas!
Stargate Universe Interview -- Lou Diamond Phillips (2)
The Stargate actor talks about the rest of the cast
Stargate Universe interview Alaina Huffman
The actress who plays Tamara Johansen - TJ
EXCLUSIVE Stargate Universe Video Interviews – Day Five
Season one of Stargate Universe hits DVD and Blu-ray this week and, to celebrate, we’re hosting an exclusive series of interviews with the cast filmed on the set of the Destiny!
For your final batch of interviews we have another video from the charming Lou Diamond Phillips, this time discussing what it’s like to work with the rest of the Stargate Universe cast. Keeping him company is Alaina Huffman – the Destiny’s reluctant doctor rather fittingly sitting in the infirmary to discuss her character, and wearing an outfit we’ll probably never see Tamara Johansen (TJ for short) wearing on the show… alas!
Stargate Universe Interview -- Lou Diamond Phillips (2)
The Stargate actor talks about the rest of the cast
Stargate Universe interview Alaina Huffman
The actress who plays Tamara Johansen - TJ
Stargate Universe - Vancouver Sun: B.C. is a 'sci-fi capital'
At the Vancouver Sun (Vancouver, BC, Canada):
(Please follow the link for the complete article.)
Visual effects Emmy nominations show B.C. is a 'sci-fi capital'
By John Mackie, Vancouver Sun July 9, 2010
The Vancouver film industry has become a hotbed for visual effects. Thursday, four of the five Emmy nominees for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series were for programs produced here.

Photo of Mark Savela (center) courtesy of Joseph Mallozzi's blog
"It certainly shows how high the quality of work is here in Vancouver," said Mark Savela, the visual effects supervisor for Stargate Universe.
"Everybody is super stoked. It's quite the sci-fi capital. All the major sci-fi shows have really been shot here: the Stargate franchise for 14 years, Battlestar [ Galactica] was shot here, you've got V, Fringe. The list of cool science-fiction shows up here is just incredible..."
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun
(Please follow the link for the complete article.)
Visual effects Emmy nominations show B.C. is a 'sci-fi capital'
By John Mackie, Vancouver Sun July 9, 2010
The Vancouver film industry has become a hotbed for visual effects. Thursday, four of the five Emmy nominees for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series were for programs produced here.

Photo of Mark Savela (center) courtesy of Joseph Mallozzi's blog
"It certainly shows how high the quality of work is here in Vancouver," said Mark Savela, the visual effects supervisor for Stargate Universe.
"Everybody is super stoked. It's quite the sci-fi capital. All the major sci-fi shows have really been shot here: the Stargate franchise for 14 years, Battlestar [ Galactica] was shot here, you've got V, Fringe. The list of cool science-fiction shows up here is just incredible..."
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Robert Picardo: Video: Teaser Trailer for The Legends of Nethiah
Courtesy of The Legends of Nethiah:
"The Legends of Nethiah" Teaser Trailer
"The Legends of Nethiah" Teaser Trailer. Directed by Russ Emanuel, produced by Howard Nash, and starring Robert Picardo (Wonder Years, Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate Atlantis), John Heard (Home Alone, P.J.), Theresa Russell (Spiderman 3), and introducing Jeremiah Sayys, Jared Young, Julie Michaels, Laura Covelli, and Jilon Ghai.
"The Legends of Nethiah" Teaser Trailer
"The Legends of Nethiah" Teaser Trailer. Directed by Russ Emanuel, produced by Howard Nash, and starring Robert Picardo (Wonder Years, Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate Atlantis), John Heard (Home Alone, P.J.), Theresa Russell (Spiderman 3), and introducing Jeremiah Sayys, Jared Young, Julie Michaels, Laura Covelli, and Jilon Ghai.
Eureka - Syfy: Live Chat With Colin Ferguson Friday July 9 at 9pm
At Syfy Connect:
Syfy Connect Live Chat With Eureka's Colin Ferguson
Eureka's fourth season premiere on Syfy (US) on Friday, July 9 at 9pm. At the same, chat live with Eureka's Colin Ferguson on Syfy Connect.
Syfy Connect Live Chat With Eureka's Colin Ferguson
Eureka's fourth season premiere on Syfy (US) on Friday, July 9 at 9pm. At the same, chat live with Eureka's Colin Ferguson on Syfy Connect.

Stargate Universe - SGU - GateWorld: Podcast #97: Stargate vs. LOST
At GateWorld:
GateWorld Podcast: Stargate vs. LOST

by Darren Sumner
Visit the GateWorld Podcast page for more about the show!
When is a Stargate like an airliner crash? How does Destiny mirror the island? In this week’s podcast we’re putting the Stargate franchise (and particularly SGU) up against one of our other favorite science fiction series, LOST! GateWorld’s Darren and David talk about SGU and character-centric storytelling, flashbacks, and inner conflict and external threats.
We’ll also give our take on the (somewhat controversial) LOST series finale, and why we found it so satisfying. (If you haven’t seen the end of LOST yet, do beware of spoilers.)
(For our previous “Versus” shows, check out Stargate vs. Star Trek and Stargate vs. Battlestar Galactica!)
We’re taking the week off next week as David heads to Vancouver for Gatecon! We’ll see you in two weeks for the first of our final three shows of the summer.
GateWorld Podcast: Stargate vs. LOST

by Darren Sumner
Visit the GateWorld Podcast page for more about the show!
When is a Stargate like an airliner crash? How does Destiny mirror the island? In this week’s podcast we’re putting the Stargate franchise (and particularly SGU) up against one of our other favorite science fiction series, LOST! GateWorld’s Darren and David talk about SGU and character-centric storytelling, flashbacks, and inner conflict and external threats.
We’ll also give our take on the (somewhat controversial) LOST series finale, and why we found it so satisfying. (If you haven’t seen the end of LOST yet, do beware of spoilers.)
(For our previous “Versus” shows, check out Stargate vs. Star Trek and Stargate vs. Battlestar Galactica!)
We’re taking the week off next week as David heads to Vancouver for Gatecon! We’ll see you in two weeks for the first of our final three shows of the summer.
Stargate Universe - Joseph Mallozzi's Blog: Mike Banas Answers Your Questions
From Joseph Mallozzi's blog update for July 8, 2010:
(Please follow the link for the complete EXTENSIVE blog update.)
Maverick (a.k.a. Mike Banas, P.I.) fires back at ya!
When he’s not editing or working on his deck, Mike Banas is answering YOUR questions! No doubt intimidated by the fact that I would be visiting him to start work on my producer’s cut of Resurgence today, Mike magically turned around that outstanding Q&A we’ve all been waiting for. And it’s a good one. As is Resurgence, is latest labor of love. But you can judge for yourselves when it airs in about ten months.
Over to Mike…
Well, hello everyone. First off I have to thank Joe for the invitation to participate and of course thanks to all of you for your thoughtful questions.
Also, I should apologize for taking so long in answering. I usually get a bit of a breather between episodes to get caught up on emails and what not, but this time I finished Joe’s latest and greatest: “Awakening” and instantly launched into Rob Cooper’s “Malice” with no down time.

A brief excerpt:
Chevron7 writes: “Questions for Mike Banas:1. What was the most challenging episode of SGU to edit?”
“2. How involved are the directors and writers in the editing process?”
“3. Is there a scene you’ve done in which you’d like a second go at it?”
“4. Any other job in the production you’d like a go at? Directing?”
“5. What do you do for fun in your spare time?”
“6. What music do you like?”
“7. I’m curious about the editing for the SGU ep Lost compared to Pain. The scenes going back and forth between the characters in Lost was more abrupt than in Pain…what was the reasoning behind this? While I liked Lost it felt a bit like a tennis match…Pain I loved! The transition between scenes was brilliant. Thanks for you hard work…you should get on twitter with is..”
... Well I think that’s it for me. I thank you all for your awesome questions and I appreciate the interest in what we do. People tend to forget about postproduction because we work in dark little rooms by ourselves like trolls. So it’s nice to shed a bit of light on the process now and then.
Thanks go out to Joe for setting this up. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing editing department:
Jon Anctil who keeps the shows coming and going on time. Troy Mac Neill who manages to keep a very complicated system running well. Bob Dewald whose eagle eye catches every potential problem. Ryan Malone and Steve McLeod for having to deal with me every day. Kerry McDowall who keeps the train on the track. And, of course, Jen Johnson who keeps us all in line.
(Please follow the link for the complete EXTENSIVE blog update.)
Maverick (a.k.a. Mike Banas, P.I.) fires back at ya!
When he’s not editing or working on his deck, Mike Banas is answering YOUR questions! No doubt intimidated by the fact that I would be visiting him to start work on my producer’s cut of Resurgence today, Mike magically turned around that outstanding Q&A we’ve all been waiting for. And it’s a good one. As is Resurgence, is latest labor of love. But you can judge for yourselves when it airs in about ten months.
Over to Mike…
Well, hello everyone. First off I have to thank Joe for the invitation to participate and of course thanks to all of you for your thoughtful questions.
Also, I should apologize for taking so long in answering. I usually get a bit of a breather between episodes to get caught up on emails and what not, but this time I finished Joe’s latest and greatest: “Awakening” and instantly launched into Rob Cooper’s “Malice” with no down time.

A brief excerpt:
Chevron7 writes: “Questions for Mike Banas:1. What was the most challenging episode of SGU to edit?”
MB: I’d have to say, by far, the pilot – Air pts. 1 & 2. It was challenging to edit mainly because we were working with more of a clean slate in terms of ‘look’ for the show. Having no template to work from opened up a lot of possibilities. Since we were all on a learning curve it took a lot of work to find the show’s style. What made my job easier and still does today, is our incredible cast. The performances are consistently spot-on, which allows me to focus on other things while I’m putting the show together.
“2. How involved are the directors and writers in the editing process?”
MB: Very. During the shooting of an episode the editor cuts the raw footage, or ‘dailies’, alone. We do communicate quite regularly with the director and producers during the shoot but the editor produces the first cut of the show, which contains everything that was scripted. After the Editor’s Cut, the episode’s Director comes in and spends a few days reworking the cut. Often they remember things from the shoot that really grabbed them, like a particular camera angle or line reading. So when he / she is happy we release the Director’s Cut for the producers to watch and then the supervising producer (usually that episode’s writer) comes down to editing to work with me for a few days. After that it’s off to the network for their thoughts then the show gets ‘locked’, which means there will be no more picture changes, that’s when the sound and Vfx folk get busy. The whole process for the editor takes roughly a month for an hour-long episode.
“3. Is there a scene you’ve done in which you’d like a second go at it?”
MB: Yes, plenty of scenes. We have a saying: “you never really finish a show, you just stop working on it.”
“4. Any other job in the production you’d like a go at? Directing?”
MB: Sure. Directing sounds fun.
“5. What do you do for fun in your spare time?”
MB: I like to snowboard (winters off in British Columbia can be amazing).
I am also a T.V and Film addict (I’m watching “The Wrath of Khan” while I’m typing this – Kirstie Alley!).
“6. What music do you like?”
MB: I grew up in the eighties listening to and going to punk rock shows. My tastes have broadened, but I am still drawn to bands that exist more or less on the fringe. Current favs are “Future of the Left” from Wales and “Titus Andronicus” from N.J.
“7. I’m curious about the editing for the SGU ep Lost compared to Pain. The scenes going back and forth between the characters in Lost was more abrupt than in Pain…what was the reasoning behind this? While I liked Lost it felt a bit like a tennis match…Pain I loved! The transition between scenes was brilliant. Thanks for you hard work…you should get on twitter with is..”
MB: Unfortunately I can’t really speak to the editing of “Pain” or “Lost”. We have a three-editor rotation, so I cut every third show. Rick Martin and Brad Rines (two of the best editors in Canada) cut those shows respectively. What I can say is every episode is unique and the script and material more than anything dictates the style.
As far as joining Twitter.…maybe….perhaps….well….the thing is, the idea of spending more time on my computer or phone than I already do scares me.
... Well I think that’s it for me. I thank you all for your awesome questions and I appreciate the interest in what we do. People tend to forget about postproduction because we work in dark little rooms by ourselves like trolls. So it’s nice to shed a bit of light on the process now and then.
Thanks go out to Joe for setting this up. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing editing department:
Jon Anctil who keeps the shows coming and going on time. Troy Mac Neill who manages to keep a very complicated system running well. Bob Dewald whose eagle eye catches every potential problem. Ryan Malone and Steve McLeod for having to deal with me every day. Kerry McDowall who keeps the train on the track. And, of course, Jen Johnson who keeps us all in line.

Psych - Video: Super-size Premiere
Courtesy of USA and HULU:
Psych - Super-size Premiere
Teaser Trailer|00:21|
Psych's season premiere is too big for just an hour, so we're super-sizing it!
Psych is back on Wednesdays starting July 14th on USA.
Psych - Super-size Premiere
Teaser Trailer|00:21|
Psych's season premiere is too big for just an hour, so we're super-sizing it!
Psych is back on Wednesdays starting July 14th on USA.
Warehouse 13 - Syfy: Video - What's New For Season 2?
Courtesy of Syfy:
What's New For Season 2? - Warehouse 13 : Video Blog
The cast and creators talk about what's new for the Warehouse crew in season 2.
What's New For Season 2? - Warehouse 13 : Video Blog
The cast and creators talk about what's new for the Warehouse crew in season 2.
Haven - Syfy: Video - 'Welcome to Haven' Sneak Peek
Courtesy of Syfy:
Welcome to Haven - Sneak Peek - Haven : Episode 101
Watch a sneak peek from the series premiere of Haven!
Haven premieres on Syfy (US) on Friday, July 9 at 10:00 p.m. The cast includes Emily Rose, Eric Balfour, Lucas Bryant, Richard Donat and John Dunsworth.
Welcome to Haven - Sneak Peek - Haven : Episode 101
Watch a sneak peek from the series premiere of Haven!
Haven premieres on Syfy (US) on Friday, July 9 at 10:00 p.m. The cast includes Emily Rose, Eric Balfour, Lucas Bryant, Richard Donat and John Dunsworth.
Eureka - Syfy: Video: 'Founder's Day' Sneak Peek
Courtesy of Syfy:
Founder's Day - Sneak Peek - Eureka : Episode 401
Watch a sneak peek from the upcoming season premiere of Eureka!
Eureka's fourth seasons premieres Friday, July 9 at 9:00 p.m. on Syfy (US). Battlestar Galactica's James Callis joins the cast!
Founder's Day - Sneak Peek - Eureka : Episode 401
Watch a sneak peek from the upcoming season premiere of Eureka!
Eureka's fourth seasons premieres Friday, July 9 at 9:00 p.m. on Syfy (US). Battlestar Galactica's James Callis joins the cast!
TV Guide Online: Matt's Weekend Picks: Murder on the Orient Express
At TV Guide Online:
(Please follow the link for the complete column.)
Matt's Weekend Picks: July 9-11
Jul 8, 2010
by Matt Roush
(Sunday, 9/8c, PBS; times may vary) David Suchet returns as Agatha Christie's fabled and fussy Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot in one of his most famous cases. When Poirot's journey aboard the luxury train is halted by a snowbank, the savage murder of a mysterious passenger casts suspicion on his fellow travelers (a starry guest cast including Eileen Atkins, Hugh Bonneville and Barbara Hershey).
[NOTE: Stargate Universe's Brian J. Smith also co-stars]

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
(Please follow the link for the complete column.)
Matt's Weekend Picks: July 9-11
Jul 8, 2010
by Matt Roush
(Sunday, 9/8c, PBS; times may vary) David Suchet returns as Agatha Christie's fabled and fussy Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot in one of his most famous cases. When Poirot's journey aboard the luxury train is halted by a snowbank, the savage murder of a mysterious passenger casts suspicion on his fellow travelers (a starry guest cast including Eileen Atkins, Hugh Bonneville and Barbara Hershey).
[NOTE: Stargate Universe's Brian J. Smith also co-stars]

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
Stargate Universe / Sanctuary - Directors Guild of Canada 2010 Nominations
At the Directors Guild of Canada:
Comedian Dave Foley will host the 9th annual gala on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at the regal Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto.
Ticket sales for DGC members open Wednesday, July 7, 2010.
Ticket sales for industry open Wednesday, July 28, 2010.
2010 DGC Awards Nominations
*** nominees may be subject to change*** (include)

Stargate Universe creators Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper
Presented by Gold Sponsor, William F. White
Adrienne Mitchell for Durham County - "Little Lost Children"
Robert C. Cooper for Stargate Universe - "Human"
Helen Shaver for The Bridge - Eps. 110
Holly Dale for Flashpoint - "Perfect Storm"
Presented by Gold Sponsor, PS Production Services
Being Erica - Eps. 109 "Everything She Wants" - Jeff Woolnough (Director)
Flashpoint - "One Wrong Move" - David Frazee (Director)

Sanctuary Director Martin Wood
Sanctuary - Eps. 213 "Kali Part 2" - Martin Wood (Director), Doug Brons (Production Manager), Gordon D. MacDonald (1st Assistant Director), Eddy Hardy (2nd Assistant Director), Gisela Schulte (3rd Assistant Director), Chantelle Collett (Trainee Assistant Director), Tanner Adams (Production Assistant), Amanda Eglisson (Production Assistant), Michael McAree (Production Assistant), Bruce Brownstein (Location Manager), Heather Vedan (Location Manager), Scott Walden (Location Manager), Stephen Sangster (Assistant Location Manager), Terry Brooks (Location Scout), Doug John White (Location Scout)
The Bridge - Eps. 110 - Helen Shaver (Director)
Comedian Dave Foley will host the 9th annual gala on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at the regal Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto.
Ticket sales for DGC members open Wednesday, July 7, 2010.
Ticket sales for industry open Wednesday, July 28, 2010.
2010 DGC Awards Nominations
*** nominees may be subject to change*** (include)

Stargate Universe creators Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper
Presented by Gold Sponsor, William F. White
Adrienne Mitchell for Durham County - "Little Lost Children"
Robert C. Cooper for Stargate Universe - "Human"
Helen Shaver for The Bridge - Eps. 110
Holly Dale for Flashpoint - "Perfect Storm"
Presented by Gold Sponsor, PS Production Services
Being Erica - Eps. 109 "Everything She Wants" - Jeff Woolnough (Director)
Flashpoint - "One Wrong Move" - David Frazee (Director)

Sanctuary Director Martin Wood
Sanctuary - Eps. 213 "Kali Part 2" - Martin Wood (Director), Doug Brons (Production Manager), Gordon D. MacDonald (1st Assistant Director), Eddy Hardy (2nd Assistant Director), Gisela Schulte (3rd Assistant Director), Chantelle Collett (Trainee Assistant Director), Tanner Adams (Production Assistant), Amanda Eglisson (Production Assistant), Michael McAree (Production Assistant), Bruce Brownstein (Location Manager), Heather Vedan (Location Manager), Scott Walden (Location Manager), Stephen Sangster (Assistant Location Manager), Terry Brooks (Location Scout), Doug John White (Location Scout)
The Bridge - Eps. 110 - Helen Shaver (Director)
Stargate Universe - SFX Magazine: Video - Lou Diamond Phillips Interview
Courtesy of SFX Magazine:
EXCLUSIVE Stargate Universe video interviews – Day Four: Lou Diamond Phillips
Season one of Stargate Universe hits DVD and Blu-ray this week and, to celebrate, we’re hosting an exclusive series of interviews with the cast filmed on the set of the Destiny!
Lou Diamond Phillips plays the enigmatic Colonel David Telford, the military man stuck back on Earth who should’ve been leading the team instead of Young – although he does get to swap bodies with him from time to time, thanks to some handy alien body-switching pebbles (as Phillips says, “You need stones to play this character!”). We chat to him about Telford and what drew him to work on TV.
Stargate Universe interview Lou Diamond Phillips (1)
The Stargate actor talks about his character
Stargate Universe interview Lou Diamond Phillips (3)
The Stargate actor talks about TV
EXCLUSIVE Stargate Universe video interviews – Day Four: Lou Diamond Phillips
Season one of Stargate Universe hits DVD and Blu-ray this week and, to celebrate, we’re hosting an exclusive series of interviews with the cast filmed on the set of the Destiny!
Lou Diamond Phillips plays the enigmatic Colonel David Telford, the military man stuck back on Earth who should’ve been leading the team instead of Young – although he does get to swap bodies with him from time to time, thanks to some handy alien body-switching pebbles (as Phillips says, “You need stones to play this character!”). We chat to him about Telford and what drew him to work on TV.
Stargate Universe interview Lou Diamond Phillips (1)
The Stargate actor talks about his character
Stargate Universe interview Lou Diamond Phillips (3)
The Stargate actor talks about TV
Stargate Universe - Emmys: 2010 Emmy Award Nominations
The 2010 Emmy Award Nominations were announced today by the Emmys and the nominees include Stargate Universe:
Outstanding Special Visual Effects For A Series
Caprica • There Is Another Sky • Syfy • Universal Cable Productions
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation • Family Affair • CBS • A CBS Paramount Network
Stargate Universe • Air • Syfy • Produced by MGM
Mark Savela, Visual Effects Supervisor
Michael Lowes, Key 3D Artist
Vivian Jim, Lead Visual Effects Compositor
Kodie MacKenzie, Key Visual Effects Compositor
Andrew Karr, Digital Effects Supervisor
Alec McClymont, Lead 3D Artist
Brenda Campbell, Lead Compositor
Craig VandenBiggelaar, Key Visual Effects Compositor
Stargate Universe • Space • Syfy • Produced by MGM
Mark Savela, Visual Effects Supervisor
Jamie Yukio Kawano, Lead 3D Artist
Krista McLean, Digital Effects Supervisor
Luke Vallee, Lead Visual Effects Compositor
Jason Gross, Visual Effects Supervisor
Steve Garrad, Visual Effects Producer
Chris Deroiche, Senior Animator
Robert Bourgeault, Lead CGI Artist
Congratulations to all the 2010 Emmy Award Nominees!
The Emmy Awards telecast airs live on August 29 on NBC and will be hosted by talk show host Jimmy Fallon.
Outstanding Special Visual Effects For A Series
Caprica • There Is Another Sky • Syfy • Universal Cable Productions
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation • Family Affair • CBS • A CBS Paramount Network
Stargate Universe • Air • Syfy • Produced by MGM
Mark Savela, Visual Effects Supervisor
Michael Lowes, Key 3D Artist
Vivian Jim, Lead Visual Effects Compositor
Kodie MacKenzie, Key Visual Effects Compositor
Andrew Karr, Digital Effects Supervisor
Alec McClymont, Lead 3D Artist
Brenda Campbell, Lead Compositor
Craig VandenBiggelaar, Key Visual Effects Compositor
Stargate Universe • Space • Syfy • Produced by MGM
Mark Savela, Visual Effects Supervisor
Jamie Yukio Kawano, Lead 3D Artist
Krista McLean, Digital Effects Supervisor
Luke Vallee, Lead Visual Effects Compositor
Jason Gross, Visual Effects Supervisor
Steve Garrad, Visual Effects Producer
Chris Deroiche, Senior Animator
Robert Bourgeault, Lead CGI Artist
Congratulations to all the 2010 Emmy Award Nominees!
The Emmy Awards telecast airs live on August 29 on NBC and will be hosted by talk show host Jimmy Fallon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
PBS: Video - 'Murder on the Orient Express' Airs Sunday July 11 at 9pm
Airing Sunday, July 11 at 9pm on PBS, a new TV adaptation of Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express."
From PBS:
On his way to Istanbul, Hercule Poirot is called back to London for a case, and finds transport via the opulent Orient Express train. An ornery American businessman, Samuel Ratchett, interrupts Poirot's luxurious trip with a cryptic plea for help — he's seeking penance, but may be murdered in the meantime. When the train is sidelined by a snowdrift and Ratchett is found dead, Poirot becomes embroiled in one of the most fiendish cases of his career. The suspects are numerous and colorful — an erudite Russian princess, an English colonel, a pushy American matron and a devout Swedish missionary among others. The evidence suggests a shadowy assassin may have boarded the train during a stop in order to commit the murder, but is there an unforgivable evil even closer at hand? Based on the novel by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express features David Suchet as Hercule Poirot and an all-star supporting cast including Eileen Atkins (Cranford), Toby Jones (The Old Curiosity Shop), Barbara Hershey, Hugh Bonneville (Miss Austen Regrets), David Morrissey (Sense and Sensibility), and Stargate Universe's Brian J. Smith.
For more information on the movie's characters please go to this link at PBS.

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
Hector MacQueen
In his late 20s, American Hector MacQueen is the personal assistant to Samuel Ratchett. MacQueen is good with languages and paid well for his services.
From PBS:
On his way to Istanbul, Hercule Poirot is called back to London for a case, and finds transport via the opulent Orient Express train. An ornery American businessman, Samuel Ratchett, interrupts Poirot's luxurious trip with a cryptic plea for help — he's seeking penance, but may be murdered in the meantime. When the train is sidelined by a snowdrift and Ratchett is found dead, Poirot becomes embroiled in one of the most fiendish cases of his career. The suspects are numerous and colorful — an erudite Russian princess, an English colonel, a pushy American matron and a devout Swedish missionary among others. The evidence suggests a shadowy assassin may have boarded the train during a stop in order to commit the murder, but is there an unforgivable evil even closer at hand? Based on the novel by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express features David Suchet as Hercule Poirot and an all-star supporting cast including Eileen Atkins (Cranford), Toby Jones (The Old Curiosity Shop), Barbara Hershey, Hugh Bonneville (Miss Austen Regrets), David Morrissey (Sense and Sensibility), and Stargate Universe's Brian J. Smith.
For more information on the movie's characters please go to this link at PBS.

Brian J. Smith as Hector McQueen
Hector MacQueen
In his late 20s, American Hector MacQueen is the personal assistant to Samuel Ratchett. MacQueen is good with languages and paid well for his services.
Warehouse 13 - Syfy: Video - 'Mild Mannered' Episode Trailer
Courtesy of Syfy:
Mild Mannered - Next Episode - Warehouse 13
Can our dynamic duo discover the secret behind a super-powered masked vigilante?
Stargate Atlantis' Jewel Staite and Firefly's Sean Maher guest star!
Mild Mannered - Next Episode - Warehouse 13
Can our dynamic duo discover the secret behind a super-powered masked vigilante?
Stargate Atlantis' Jewel Staite and Firefly's Sean Maher guest star!
Psych - Video: James Roday Answers Fan Questions, Part 2
Courtesy of USA and HULU:
Psych - James Roday Answers Fan Questions, Part 2
Psych star James Roday answers more questions submitted by fans.
Psych - James Roday Answers Fan Questions, Part 2
Psych star James Roday answers more questions submitted by fans.
Burn Notice - Video: Bruce Campbell Answers Fan Questions
Courtesy of USA and HULU:
USA Burn Notice - Bruce Campbell Answers Fan Questions
Burn Notice star Bruce Campbell answers questions submitted by fans.
USA Burn Notice - Bruce Campbell Answers Fan Questions
Burn Notice star Bruce Campbell answers questions submitted by fans.
Warehouse 13 - Video: 'Time Will Tell'
Stargate Universe - DVD Review (UK): Ming Na Interview
At DVD Review (UK):
(Please follow the link for the compete interview.)
Interview: Stargate Universe's Ming-na
Wednesday July 07, 2010
by Matt Chapman

A brief excerpt:
Your character, Camille Wray, is a bit of an audience splitter. She’s caught between the civilians and the military, tries to be a peacemaker and it doesn’t work out...
(Please follow the link for the compete interview.)
Interview: Stargate Universe's Ming-na
Wednesday July 07, 2010
by Matt Chapman

A brief excerpt:
Your character, Camille Wray, is a bit of an audience splitter. She’s caught between the civilians and the military, tries to be a peacemaker and it doesn’t work out...
MN: "It’s interesting because this is the first character where I’ve had to find and justify her... political ambitions, let’s say. She manipulates but to, I think, the good of the civilians. So she will manipulate situations or befriend whomever she needs to get everyone home. Ultimately her ambition is a good one, because she wants to get home! But sometimes, yes, it clashes with the military and it causes mutinies. I think it’s great fun! Nothing like a little mutiny to get things going! [Laughs]"
Stargate Universe - Total Film: Video: Robert Carlyle Interview
Courtesy of Total Film:
Robert Carlyle talks Stargate Universe
From Trainspotting to planet-hopping
BY Jayne Nelson Jul 7th 2010
Robert Carlyle is a legend in the Total Film office, so we jumped at the chance to pay him a flying visit on the Vancouver set of Stargate Universe.
Stargate Universe, or SGU, is the second spin-off from the TV show that was itself spun off Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster movie. Seems you can’t keep a good concept down these days.
Carlyle stars as Dr Nicholas Rush, a scientific genius who finds himself stuck on the Destiny - a millions of years old alien spaceship - along with a bunch of human refugees fleeing an attack on their base.
He’s a shifty sort, true, but he’s the only person capable of figuring out how to fly the ship – which obviously comes in handy.
To celebrate the release of the first season on DVD and Blu-ray, we had a chat with Carlyle in the ship’s infirmary set (bloodstains not pictured).
Sporting an ‘Argentina’ jacket – the World Cup was a big topic of conversation among the cast, although nobody seemed to be supporting England, unsurprisingly enough – Carlyle chatted about his new show, science fiction fans and the joys of working in far-flung Canada instead of his native Scotland...
Robert Carlyle talks Stargate
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on being back on TV
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Dr. Nicholas Rush
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Stargate Universe
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Science Fiction
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Canada
Robert Carlyle talks Stargate Universe
From Trainspotting to planet-hopping
BY Jayne Nelson Jul 7th 2010
Robert Carlyle is a legend in the Total Film office, so we jumped at the chance to pay him a flying visit on the Vancouver set of Stargate Universe.
Stargate Universe, or SGU, is the second spin-off from the TV show that was itself spun off Roland Emmerich’s blockbuster movie. Seems you can’t keep a good concept down these days.
Carlyle stars as Dr Nicholas Rush, a scientific genius who finds himself stuck on the Destiny - a millions of years old alien spaceship - along with a bunch of human refugees fleeing an attack on their base.
He’s a shifty sort, true, but he’s the only person capable of figuring out how to fly the ship – which obviously comes in handy.
To celebrate the release of the first season on DVD and Blu-ray, we had a chat with Carlyle in the ship’s infirmary set (bloodstains not pictured).
Sporting an ‘Argentina’ jacket – the World Cup was a big topic of conversation among the cast, although nobody seemed to be supporting England, unsurprisingly enough – Carlyle chatted about his new show, science fiction fans and the joys of working in far-flung Canada instead of his native Scotland...
Robert Carlyle talks Stargate
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on being back on TV
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Dr. Nicholas Rush
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Stargate Universe
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Science Fiction
STARGATE UNIVERSE - Robert Carlyle on Canada
Warehouse 13 - Mr. Media Interviews: Eddie McClintock Audio Interview
At Blog Talk Radio's Mr. Media:
Mr. Media Interviews
Eddie McClintock, star, Warehouse 13
Warehouse 13 airs on Syfy (US) on Tuesday at 9/8C.
Download link

Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly
Mr. Media Interviews
Eddie McClintock, star, Warehouse 13
Warehouse 13 airs on Syfy (US) on Tuesday at 9/8C.
Download link

Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly
Stargate Universe - SFX Magazine: Video: Exclusive Brian J. Smith Interview
Courtesy of SFX Magazine's You Tube channel:
EXCLUSIVE Stargate Universe Video Interviews – Day Three: Brian J Smith
Season one of Stargate Universe hits DVD and Blu-ray this week and, to celebrate, we’re hosting an exclusive series of interviews with the cast filmed on the set of the Destiny!
Today’s interview is with Brian J Smith, aka Lt Matthew Scott. He’s a capable solider and the guy you’d definitely want on your side during any trouble – of which there’s a lot on board the Destiny! He’s also a bit of a lothario. Check out these clips in which Smith gives us the lowdown on Scott and on how weird it is to film a sex scene…
Stargate Universe interview - Brian J Smith (1)
The man who plays Lt Matthew Scott speaks exclusively to SFX Magazine.
Stargate Universe interview - Brian J Smith (2)
the Stargate star talks about love scenes
EXCLUSIVE Stargate Universe Video Interviews – Day Three: Brian J Smith
Season one of Stargate Universe hits DVD and Blu-ray this week and, to celebrate, we’re hosting an exclusive series of interviews with the cast filmed on the set of the Destiny!
Today’s interview is with Brian J Smith, aka Lt Matthew Scott. He’s a capable solider and the guy you’d definitely want on your side during any trouble – of which there’s a lot on board the Destiny! He’s also a bit of a lothario. Check out these clips in which Smith gives us the lowdown on Scott and on how weird it is to film a sex scene…
Stargate Universe interview - Brian J Smith (1)
The man who plays Lt Matthew Scott speaks exclusively to SFX Magazine.
Stargate Universe interview - Brian J Smith (2)
the Stargate star talks about love scenes
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