Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chuck - The Circuit: Video: On the Set of Chuck

At Canada's Space Channel's 'The Circuit':

The Circuit's Teddy Wilson hangs out for a day on the set of CHUCK

Teddy Wilson Reports

Thursday, November 27, 2008 17:21

The Circuit's Teddy Wilson hangs-out for a day on the set of CHUCK and chats with series stars Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah Walker) and co-creator Chris Fedak. They talk spying, Rush (yes, the band), all about the shows many cinema & pop-culture references.

Video: Guide to Holiday Entertainment Part 1

Courtesy of TV Guide Specials and HULU:

TV Guide Specials - Guide To Holiday Entertainment Pt 1

Special |06:47 |

TV guide Network gets you in the holiday mood with a look at the great movies opening this holiday season. See what you can expect from stars like Will Smith, Keanu Reeves and Brad Pitt on the big screen!

Twilight - Video: Behind the Scenes

Courtesy of TV Guide Big Movie Premiere and HULU:

TV Guide Specials - Twilight: Behind the Scenes

Special |03:38 |

Put a group of good looking twenty-somethings on a film set together and you're bound to get some stories. The cast of TWILIGHT dishes on what went on behind the scenes. Plus, more interviews from the red carpet!

Stargate SG1 - Richard Dean Anderson Web Site Updates Nov 30 '08

From a Richard Dean Anderson web site e-mail announcement:

Updates at

I've been busy the past couple of months preparing to buy a new home, but I have finally gotten back to the website and completed a few more updates this weekend.

First, you'll find information about the upcoming USC Quench the Fire 5K Run/Walk in Long Beach. RDA attended the event last year, and he is scheduled to return for this year's event on December 7th. Information is available to register for the event or to make a donation.

I was also contacted by who offered their video from the Geek Squad event for the site, so I have added that to the Updates page.

And finally, I have had a lot of fun putting together many more shooting locations for MacGyver. These were the locations from seasons 3-6 that I found in Vancouver last summer. Many new SG-1 locations will also be added when I get a chance.

(And yes, I do hope to get back to the Gatecon updates and images!)

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Richard Dean Anderson Website

Roswell - Video: 'Monsters'

Courtesy of HULU, Roswell's 'Monsters,' starring hiri Appleby, Jason Behr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, Brendan Fehr, Colin Hanks, Nick Wechsler, William Sadler, Steve Hytner and Julie Benz.

Isabel worries when Maria gets nervous around Sheriff Valenti, so Isabel enters Maria's dreams to see if she is trustworthy with their secret.

Psych - Video: 'Christmas Joy'

Courtesy of USA and HULU, Psych's 'Christmas Joy,' starring Timothy Omundson, James Roday, Dulé Hill, Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson and Kirsten Nelson. Guest stars include Keith David, Faune Chambers, Don McManus, Cassandra Sawtell and Phylicia Rashad.

After Shawn and Gus help a little girl get a mall Santa out of jail in time for Christmas, they realize their clients are con men who have a big score planned.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

David Boreanaz - Bones - Video: 'The Knight On The Grid'

Courtesy of HULU, from Bones' season three, 'The Knight On The Grid,' starring Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Conlin, Eric Millegan, Tamara Taylor, T.J. Thyne and John Francis Daley. Guest stars include Ryan O'Neal, Patricia Belcher, Bess Wohl, Leon Russom, Loren Dean and Nathan Dean.

After construction workers find the body of an archbishop whose kneecaps were surgically removed, the team is back on the case of the Widow's Son serial killer.

Sanctuary - Video: 'Edward'

Courtesy of the SciFi Channel and HULU, Sanctuary's 'Edward,' starring Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Emilie Ullerup, Ryan Robbins and Christopher Heyerdahl. Guest stars include Gabrielle Rose, Michael Eisner, Sam Laird and Kavan Smith.

When a gifted young artist vividly draws his abusive father's death, Will's forensic profiling must determine whether or not it's reality.

Stargate SG-1 - Michael Shanks - Graphic for Lost Treasure

At has uploaded a graphic for Michael Shanks' new made-for-tv movie:


In a lost city filled with fortune, a loyal daughter will battle Aztec warriors and an evil god to win back her father.

SciFi Original Premiere: Saturday, Dec 20 at 9/8C

Stargate Atlantis - MGM Stargate: Video: Behind the Scenes of The Prodigal

At MGM Stargate:

(Please follow the link to view the video in its original format.)

Behind the Scenes of The Prodigal

2:32 10.4MB

Behind the scenes with Connor Trinneer on the set of The Prodigal!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis - GateWorld: Peter Flemming Video Interview

At GateWorld:


GateWorld talks with Peter Flemming

Whenever there was a corrupt government body that needed wringing or an impostor posing as a member of Stargate Command, one honest soul from within the NID could always be phoned to help set the record straight: Malcolm Barrett.

Actor Peter Flemming played this agent of accountability from Season Five to Ten of Stargate SG-1, along with two episodes of Stargate Atlantis. GateWorld is proud to publish our first interview with the actor who helped set the corrupt NID straight.

Peter talks about the casting for the part in Season Five's "Wormhole X-Treme!", nearly shying away from the role, Barrett's relationship with Samantha Carter, and much more!

GateWorld's video interview with Peter runs approximately 23 minutes, and requires QuickTime 7.0 or higher. Interview transcript at the link above. The interview is also available at GateWorld Play!

A brief excerpt:

GW: What do you think is in store for this character's future? Have they contacted you about Season Five yet for Atlantis?
PF: No. No, I thought maybe you guys might have some inside scoop on Barrett in Season Five. But we're really hoping that he gets back. Because I think it's always a good fit when Agent Barrett comes in and does a little bit when they come to Earth. It's good. Bring him back.

GW: Do you ever think he's perceived as, "Uh-oh, here comes Agent Barrett, what's wrong now?" Do you think he's perceived as a bad-news kind of guy?
PF: Yes and no. I mean there's times when he does have to present bad news, but I think he's a good go-to guy. I think he's a good middle man that gives information that Stargate [Command] needs. I think that's what I like about the character where he stays fairly neutral.

Being the guy that offers information and can also be involved in the activity as well. I mean you're there to support. And when you're there, you're playing a supporting role. It's good to have that neutrality about him but also engaging, of course. And I think that's what Barrett's all about. And I think he does a damn good job at it. [Laughter]

David Boreanaz - Bones - Video: 'The Bone That Blew'

Courtesy of FOX and HULU, Bones' 'The Bone That Blew,' starring Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Conlin, Tamara Taylor, T.J. Thyne and John Francis Daley. Guest stars include Sterling Beaumon, Hannah Leigh Dworkin, Molly Hagan, Ryan O'Neal, Ty Panitz and Gina Torres.

The remains of an ex-Marine lead Brennan and Booth to investigate an ultra-elite group of families filled with lies and deception.

Stargate SG-1 - Profiles In History: Jaffa Costume/Staff Auction

At Profiles in History:

Auction at Profiles in History

Thursday - December 11, 2008 at 12:00 pm pst

Auction Location:
26901 Agoura Road, Suite 150, Calabasas Hills, CA 91301

Preview Weekdays - Monday, November 17, through Tuesday, December 9, 2008

from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (by appointment only)

LOT #518

Complete screen-used Jaffa costume with working serpent helmet from Stargate SG-1

(MGM-TV, 1997-2007) Stunning multi-piece Jaffa costume with working serpent helmet. A rare and iconic costume from the successful Stargate SG1 television series. The head is constructed of hard rubber with integral helmet to secure it on the actor’s head. A small hidden switch illuminates the eyes to make them glow red. Included are the wool blend 2-piece tunic and pants, rubber chest and shoulder armor collar, rubber breastplate, belt and ornate buckle, leatherette skirt, two pieces of leg armor and two wrist gauntlets. An incredible display piece.
$10000 - $12000

LOT #517

Stargate “Jafar” Staff used in the film and Stargate SG-1
(Carolco, 1994) A very rare Jafar staff weapon used in the Kurt Russell Sci-fi movie Stargate and then subsequently 'handed down' and used on the hit TV show Stargate SG1. This hero prop can be seen being used by the Jafar at various points throughout the movie and subsequently in the TV show. The highly detailed weapon is made from fiberglass, with an internal steel-strengthening rod. The staff has intricate engravings and decorations along the shaft and head and it and has been expertly painted with a bronze finish with a variety of different coloured highlights. In excellent condition with only a few minor scuffs from use during the productions. This amazing original screen used prop is one of only a few still known to be in existence. Measures 84 ½ in. in length.
$8000 - $10000

Other scifi genre included in this auction are:

Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, The
Alien 3
Alien: Resurrection
Back to the Future
Back To The Future II
Batman & Robin
Batman Begins
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Batman: The Dark Knight
Battlestar Galactica
Beauty and the Beast
Black Hole, The
Chronicles Of Riddick, The
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Fahrenheit 451
Fantastic Voyage
Fifth Element, The
Flash Gordon
Forbidden Planet
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The
Logan’s Run
Lois And Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman
Mars Attacks!
Men In Black
Men In Black II
Planet of the Apes
Rocketeer, The
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek II: The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: The Animated Adventures
Star Trek: The Original Series
Star Wars
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Superman II
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Superman Returns
Superman: The Movie
Teenagers From Out Space
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator, The
War of the Worlds, The
Wing Commander
World Science Fiction Convention
X-Files: Fight the Future, The

Stargate: Continuum - TV Zone Magazine # 231/232 - Ben Browder Interview

At Visimag:

TV Zone Issue 231/232

Only $4.99 (print price $9.99) (.pdf file)

• 148 packed pages:


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Exclusive interviews - Star Lena Headey

Doctor Who (2000s) Exclusive - Monster creator Neill Gorton

V Exclusive – Star Jane Badler, aka Diana

Stargate Continuum Exclusive - Star Ben Browder

EXCLUSIVE - Hold on to your hat (and stomach) as star Ben Browder takes us for a high-G ride in a jet fighter ...

Eureka New Season Exclusive - Actor Ed Quinn

Robot Chicken Exclusive – Show creator Seth Green

Battlestar Galactica (2000s) – Star Michael Hogan

Survivors (2000s) Exclusive – Stars Zoe Tapper and Paterson Joseph

Pushing Daisies - Stars Lee Pace and Anna Friel

24 Exclusive – Producer Jon Cassir

Heroes Exclusive – Star Masi Oka

• PLUS news (the new Doctor Who), reviews and more...

Sanctuary - Cult Times Magazine # 159 - Robin Dunne Interview

At Visimag:

Cult Times Issue 159

Only $2.99 (print price $7.99) (.pdf file)

Doctor Who

The Christmas special previewed, and who could be the next Doctor?


Creator Tim Kring examines his work so far

• Fringe Star John Noble, aka loopy scientist Walter Bishop

Survivors (2000s) Stars Phillip Rhys and Chahak Patel rate their characters' chances

Eli Stone Star Julie Gonzalo on playing consummate do-gooder Maggie

Sanctuary Star Robin Dunne becomes a monster

Robin Dunne discusses his role of Dr. Will Zimmerman, a man who's learning there's far more in the world than he ever dreamed.


• Unique TV Listings
December 2008's UK cult programmes listed, with full episode details

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Video: Behind The Scenes

Courtesy of FOX and HULU:

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Scenemaker - "Strange Things Happen At The One Two Point"

Web Exclusive (s.2 : ep.10) |01:47 |

A look at the making of a scene from the "Strange Things Happen..." episode of Sarah Connor.

Fringe - Video: Behind the Scenes - "The Dreamscape"

Courtesy of FOX and HULU:

Fringe - Scenemaker - "The Dreamscape"Fringe

Behind the Scenes (s.1 : ep.9) |01:56 |

Ahhhhhhhh! The butterflies!

Stargate Atlantis - GateWorld: GateWorld Podcast: Episode #20

At GateWorld:

GateWorld Podcast: Episode #20


Darren and David discuss last Friday's episode, "Brain Storm." PLUS: Preview interview with Peter Flemming.

Visit the GateWorld Podcast page for more about the show!

Darren and David are back this week with a discussion of "Brain Storm," last Friday's new episode of Stargate Atlantis. This Earth-based episode isn't your typical hour of Stargate. Did it work? What did we think of the McKay-Keller romance storyline? And how about all those big-name guest stars?

We'll also talk about the latest Stargate news headlines and new additions to GateWorld, and find out what other fans think of romance on Stargate in the Listener Mail segment. And this week's exclusive preview gives you a peek at our upcoming interview with actor Peter Flemming ("Malcolm Barrett")!

Fringe - Video: 'The Dreamscape'

Courtesy of FOX and HULU, Fringe's 'The Dreamscape,' starring Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, Kirk Acevedo, Lance Reddick, Blair Brown, Jasika Nicole, Mark Valley and John Noble. Guest stars include Tom Riis Farrell, Susan Misner, Ptolemy Slocum, David Vadim and Yul Vazquez.

Olivia is forced to re-enter the tank in order to rid herself of her unexplained past with Agent Scott, while Peter’s friends and foes find out he’s back in Boston.

The Colbert Report - Video: Nov 3 '08 Episode

Courtesy of The Comedy Channel and HULU, The Colbert Report's November 3 '08 episode.'s Andrew Sullivan gets Stephen in the mood for election day.

Hugh Laurie - House - Video: 'Emancipation'

Courtesy of FOX and HULU, House's 'Emancipation,' starring Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, Jesse Spencer, Peter Jacobson, Kal Penn and Olivia Wilde. Guest stars include Emily Rios, Nathan Gamble, Alexandra Lydon, Liza Colón-Zayas and Kyle Silverstein.

The team takes on the case of a 16-year-old factory manager who fell ill when her lungs suddenly filled with fluid while at work.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis - NEW Stargate Online Game

At's Game Center:

STARGATE - Star Gem Game

Use your mouse to move the Stargates horizontally or vertically and align three or more gates of the same color. Advance levels by filling the meter.

(Very similar to Bejeweled 2.)

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Video: 'Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point'

Courtesy of FOX and HULU, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles' 'Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point,' starring Lena Headey, Thomas Dekker, Summer Glau, Brian Austin Green, Garret Dillahunt and Richard T. Jones. Guest stars include Shirley Manson, Leven Rambin, Melinda Bennett and Lou George.

Sarah’s obsession with the three dots may pay off, and Weaver introduces Ellison to someone very important.

Heroes - Video: 'Eclipse - Part 1'

Courtesy of NBC and HULU, Heroes' 'Eclipse - Part 1,' starring Jack Coleman, Greg Grunberg, Ali Larter, James Kyson Lee, Masi Oka, Hayden Panettiere, Adrian Pasdar, Zachary Quinto, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Cristine Rose and Milo Ventimiglia. Guest stars include Kristen Bell, Demetrius Grosse, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Dania Ramirez and Franc Ross.

As the prophesied eclipse gets underway, the heroes are surprised when their powers evaporate, just when they need them most.

Chuck - Video: 'Chuck Versus the Gravitron'

Courtesy of NBC and HULU, Chuck's 'Chuck Versus the Gravitron,' starring Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski, Joshua Gomez, Sarah Lancaster and Adam Baldwin. Guest stars include Julia Ling, Vik Sahay, Ryan McPartlin, Scott Krinsky, Mark Christopher Lawrence and Bonita Friedericy.

Chuck has to overcome his heart and use his head to round up FULCRUM's worst.

The Pretender - Video: 'Flyer'

Courtesy of HULU, The Pretender's 'Flyer,' starring Michael T. Weiss, Andrea Parker, Patrick Bauchau and Jon Gries. Guest stars include Sam Ayers, Robert Cornthwaite, Terence Knox, Jay Kopita, Jake Lloyd and Gene Lythgow.

Jarod goes undercover as a test pilot to prove a defense contractor's new computer system was defective, causing the death of another test pilot.

The Colbert Report - Video: Oct 30 '08 Episode

Courtesy of The Comedy Channel and HULU, The Colbert Report's October 30 '08 episode.

Wilco performs for Stephen and his audience.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Battlestar Galactica - SciFi Wire: Video - Battlestar Season 4 Promo Live!

At SciFi Wire:

12:00 AM, 24-NOVEMBER-08

Battlestar Season 4 Promo Live!

A new teaser promo has gone live for SCI FI Channel's Battlestar Galactica season four. The teaser is called "The Epic Journey."

Battlestar Galactica
kicks off the second part of its fourth and final season on Jan. 16, 2009, at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

A larger version of the promo is available at SciFi Video.

Kiefer Sutherland - Video: 24: Redemption

Courtesy of FOX and HULU, 24's 'Redemption,' starring Kiefer Sutherland, Eric Lively, Jon Voight, Cherry Jones, Colm Feore, Gil Bellows, Powers Boothe, Robert Carlyle, Bob Gunton, Peter MacNicol and Tony Todd.

The wait is over and Jack is back!

Stargate Atlantis - GateShip One: Dawn Olivieri (Identity) Interview

[NOTE: Stargate Atlantis' 'Identity' airs Dec 12 '08 at 9pm on the SciFi Channel (US)]

At GateShip One:

(Please follow the link for the complete interview.)

Neeva (Dawn Olivieri) and Dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett)


Interview available in French and English.

A brief excerpt:

What was your first impression when you went on the set of Stargate Atlantis? How could you describe the atmosphere on the set?
What's interesting about my first day on the set is that is was the day after news arrived that the show was to be cancelled :( . As you can imagine, many where sad and distracted by this sudden life-altering news. This however had no bearing on how welcome they made me feel. It was like a big happy family and I was like the little orphan that they welcomed in with open arms. They were hospitable, eccentric, exciting and so talented. I am not exaggerating when I say it is the greatest group of people I have worked with yet.

Lt. Col. John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) and Neeva

With what actors did you spend the most of the time during the shooting? How was it to work with Jewel Staite?
I was shooting for a couple of weeks so I worked different days with a different set of actors. I tend to have a lot a fun with the guys so I hung out with Joe, Jason, Paul, and David because we had the most scenes together. Funny story about Jewel is I was so excited to work with her because I had loved her in the Firefly series and the first day in the trailer I told her. How inspiring for me to admire someone for the work that she did and then get the ability to work with them...or work INSIDE them for that matter :)

Stargate Atlantis - MGM Stargate: 10 NEW Stills from 'Brain Storm'

At MGM Stargate:

(Please follow the link to view all the photos in their original format.)

10 NEW stills from "Brain Storm."

Dr. Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite)

Dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett)

Stargate Atlantis - MGM Stargate: Behind the Scenes: Brain Storm

At MGM Stargate:

(Please follow the link for the complete article.)

Behind the Scenes: Brain Storm

November 24, 2008 (Episodes)

Writer/Producer Martin Gero has been part of the Stargate universe since Atlantis’ first season, and was a huge part of making the franchise’s first spin-off a success. Here, he discusses directing ‘Brain Storm’ – his last script for the series.

Writer/Director Martin Gero and Jewel Staite (Dr. Jennifer Keller)

A brief excerpt:

Stargate Atlantis without Martin Gero would have been a very different show. The young writer’s style fitted perfectly with the franchise’s established wit, and his ability to add banter to his scripts apparently ad infinitum leant the series some of its funniest moments. Gero has always confessed to a particular affinity with McKay, and so it was supremely fitting that his last script for the series, ‘Brain Storm’, ended up being a McKay-centric story, rounding out one of the on-going arcs for the character – his rather unexpected love story with Jennifer Keller.

For Gero, ‘Brain Storm’ was doubly memorable, since besides being the last script he would write for Stargate Atlantis in series, it would also be his first experience directing a full episode of the show.


“As I was finishing ‘The Lost Tribe’, we were starting to get the first shimmers that we were probably going to wind it down, and then I knew when I was writing ‘Brain Storm’ that that was probably going to be my last Atlantis. And I knew I was going to direct that one, too, so I always wanted to tailor it for me to direct, and to have a good time directing. It just all turned very bittersweet, because ‘Brain Storm’ was, professionally, the most fun I’ve ever had. The crew and the cast didn’t know [about the cancellation], and I did. It actually came out on our last day of ‘Brain Storm’. We told everybody, and it was an emotional day...”

TV Talk Shows - Guests week Nov 24 - Dec. 5

Courtesy of The Late Night TV Page:


Mo 11/24: Nicole Kidman, Simon Baker, Kanye West


We 11/26: Heidi Klum, Robert Pattinson, Seal


Fr 11/28: Kristin Chenoweth, Diedrich Bader


Mo 11/24: Hugh Jackman, Marge Klindera, Tom Morello
Tu 11/25: Kanye West, Seth MacFarlane


Mo 11/24: Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Anna Torv, the Killers
Th 11/27: Kristin Chenoweth, Cloris Leachman, Alkaline Trio (R 10/28/08)
Fr 11/28: Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Ben Folds (R 11/13/08)

Tu 12/2: Debra Messing, Kevin McKidd, Akon
Th 12/4: Hugh Jackman, Tom Jones
Fr 12/5: William Shatner, Ludacris


Mo 11/24: Tony Bennett, Simon Baker


We 11/26: Hugh Jackman, Kristen Stewart, Jean-Georges Vongerichten


Fr 11/28: David Boreanaz, Tabatha Coffey, Bill Nye the Science Guy

Stargate Atlantis - GateWorld: Full Coverage: 'Brain Storm'

At GateWorld:

Bill Nye



Neil deGrasse Tyson

Episode Guide

A brief excerpt from the Production section at the Episode Guide:

"'Brain Storm' is complete except for one day in the freezer with Jewel and a large axe (don't ask!). I'm sad to see the episode go as it was a real high point for Season Five and (more importantly) to my life as a nerd."

(Actor David Hewlett, in a post at his blog)


Dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewellt), Dr. Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite), Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson


Download (iTunes)


Battlestar Galactica Classic - Video: 'Fire in Space'

Courtesy of HULU, Battlestar Galactica Classic's 'Fire in Space,' starring Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Herb Jefferson Jr., Maren Jensen, Noah Hathaway, Laurette Spang, Tony Swartz and Terry Carter. Guest stars include Anne Lockhart, George Murdock, William Bryant, Jeff MacKay and David Greenan.

A Cylon kamikaze attack leaves the Galactica burning in space, with no way to extinguish the blaze that has trapped Boomer, Athena, and Boxey except a dangerous spacewalk by Apollo and Starbuck.

James Franco / Sophia Myles - Tristan & Isolde: Sun Dec 7 '08 - SciFi

'Tristan & Idolde' the 2006 movie starring James Franco, Sophia Myles, Rufus Sewell, David O'Hara, Mark Strong, Henry Cavill, Bronagh Gallagher, Ronan Vibert and Lucy Russell, airs Sunday, December 7 '08 at 9/8C on the SciFi Channel (US).

From IMDB:

In the Dark Ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the weak Britain is divided in several clans, while the powerful Ireland, untouched by Romans, dominates and spoils the British tribes. The fair and noble British leader Marke meets with the other chiefs trying to unite their country, but they are attacked and slaughtered by the Irish army leaded by Morholt. Marke looses one hand protecting the young Tristan, who had just lost his parents, and he raises the boy as if he were of his blood. Years later, after another attack of the Irish forces, Tristan rescues his people that were captured to serve as slaves and kills the mean Morholt, for whom the beautiful Irish princess Isolde was promised to get married. Tristan is poisoned by the sword of Morholt, declared dead by his mates, and is put on a boat for the funeral services. Isolde finds the boat with Tristan in an Irish beach with her maid-servant Bragnae, she saves him and along the days they fall in love for each other. When Tristan returns to Britain, Isolde lies about her name. Her father, King Donnchadh, together with the traitor Wictred, decides to promote a joust, to divide the British and make Wictred king, promising the hand of Isolde to the winner, but Tristan wins the tournament. Without knowing that Isolde is his love, Tristan offers her to Marke, to promote the union of Britain. When he sees who Isolde is, he has to decide between his friendship and loyalty to Marke and his love for Isolde.

This is a very lovely movie, with some outstanding performances, and is at least a three-hankie flick. Please don't miss Tristan & Isolde!

The Colbert Report - Video: Oct 29 '08 Episode

Courtesy of The Comedy Channel and HULU, The Colbert Report's October 29 '08 episode.

Stephen welcomes David Simon, Executive Producer of HBO's "Generation Kill."

Twilight - Video:

Courtesy of TV Guide's Big Movie Premiere and HULU:

TV Guide Specials - Twilight's Journey to the Screen

Special |05:11 |

Find out how TWILIGHT made the journey from page to screen. Plus, meet the Cullens, the family of good-guy vamps from the movie, and, more red carpet interviews!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Roswell - Video: 'The Morning After'

Courtesy of HULU, Roswell's 'The Morning After,' starring Shiri Appleby, Jason Behr, Katherine Heigl, Majandra Delfino, Brendan Fehr, Colin Hanks, Nick Wechsler and William Sadler. Guest stars include Julie Benz, Michael Horse, Mary Ellen Trainor, Michael O'Neill and Richard Schiff.

Liz tries to maintain her relationship with Kyle, after Max has saved her life, and she sees Ms. Topolsky snooping in Michael's file. Michael tries to find out about other aliens in Roswell when he starts seeing mysterious scenes.

David Boreanaz - Bones - Video: 'The Woman In Limbo'

Courtesy of HULU, the Bones season one finale, 'The Woman In Limbo,' starring Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Conlin, Eric Millegan, T.J. Thyne and Jonathan Adams. Guest stars include Loren Dean, Pat Skipper, Coby Ryan McLaughin, Dee Wallace, Ewan Chung and Bob Rusch.

While trying to determine the identity of a Jane Doe, Brennan is shocked to learn the remains are those of her mother, who went missing with her father 15 years ago.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight - Video: Premiere Special

Courtesy of TV Guide Big Movie Premiere and HULU:

TV Guide Specials - Twilight Premiere Special

Special |09:34 |

Get ready to vamp it up as TV Guide Network takes you behind the velvet rope to the most anticipated teen movie this side of Harry Potter, TWILIGHT! Get the story, meet the stars and see what everyone was wearing on the red carpet!

Stargate Atlantis / SG1 - Stargate Planet: Carl Binder Interview

At Stargate Planet:



Interview with Carl Binder

Carl Binder about his role as scriptwriter at Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis

Autor: S.Schwager

Carl Binder was born in Windsor, ON; Canada and he was a writer on Stargate SG-1 as well as on Stargate Atlantis. He also executive produced several Stargate Atlantis episodes and creatively advised for Stargate SG-1 episodes. We're grateful that he took some time off his busy schedule to answer a few career related questions for our German website visitors.

A brief excerpt: What's your favourite Stargate episode and why?

CB: Of the Atlantis episodes I didn't write, I really love McKay and Mrs. Miller, as well as Remnants and Be All My Sins Remember'd. Of the episodes I did write, it's hard to single out one, so I'll pick a favorite from each season that I've been on staff:

Season 2 - Michael, Season 3 - Phantoms, Season 4 - Missing, Season 5 - The Prodigal.

Twilight - Video: Kristen Stewart & BadGuys

Courtesy of TV Guide's Big Movie Premiere and HULU:

Celebrity Interviews - Twilight: Kristen Stewart & BadGuys

Interview |04:37 |

Meet Kristen Stewart, the actress who, as the star of TWILIGHT, is currently the envy of every girl 17 and under in America. Plus, get up close and personal with Cam Gigandet, Edi Gathegi and Rachelle Levefre, aka the bad guys!

Steven Culp - SciFi Talk: Audio Interview

At SciFi Talk:

November 22, 2008

Steven Culp as Henry Wallace from Stargate Atlantis' Miller's Crossing

Steven Culp

Genre fans know this actor from roles in Star Trek Enterprise as Major Hayes or roles in Stargate Atlantis and Eli Stone. He has had other memorable roles in Jag, Desperate Housewives, ER and The West Wing. We discuss his current stage work and upcoming projects. Special thanks to Miriam Milgrom. Music is by Victor Stellar.

Download link

Crusoe - Video: 'Bad Blood'

Courtesy of NBC and HULU, Crusoe's 'Bad Blood,' starring Philip Winchester, Tongai Arnold Chirisa, Mía Maestro, Sam Neill and Anna Walton.

After ingesting poison, a delusional Friday is set on killing Crusoe, who in turn risks everything to find the antidote and save his friend's life.

Sanctuary - NEW Photos from 'Edward' - Nov 22 '08

At Sanctuary For All, ten new publicity stills from 'Edward' (please follow the link to view all the photos in their original format).

Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne), Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping), Gabrielle Rose as Edward's mother and Michael Eisner as Edward

Henry Foss (Ryan Robbins)

Detective Joe Kavanaugh (Kavan Smith) and Will


Ashley Magnus (Emilie Ullerup) and Helen


Twilight - Space Podcast: Twilight Cast Audio Interview

At Canada's Space Channel's Space Podcast:


November 21 '08

-Twilight actors Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, and Rachelle Lefevre are featured in this week's podcast, along with 'Chuck' star Zachary Levi, and 'Chuck' creator Chris Fedak. We Time Travel into the Vault for a 1996 interview with Octavia Butler. As well, Teddy Wilson joins host Mark Askwith for a chat.

Download link

Stargate Atlantis - MGM Stargate: Video: Paul McGillion Talks About Outsiders

At MGM Stargate:

(Please follow the link to view the trailer in its original format.)

Paul McGillion Talks About Outsiders

2:56 8.29MB

Behind the scenes with Paul McGillion on the set of Outsiders!

Sanctuary - Updates for The Five/Edward/Requiem - Video

From the SciFi Channel's Sanctuary site, updates for November 21, 2008:


* Episode Synopsis

* Episode Photos

WATCH Edward online at Eight day delay -- available Nov. 29 ‘08

At HULU: Eight day delay -- available Nov. 29 ‘08

NEXT new episode: Requiem airs Friday December 5 at 10pm on the SciFi Channel (US).

A call for help deep below the Bermuda Triangle results in the deadly battle to save Dr. Magnus life.

Trailer for Requiem at

NEW Quiz!

The Five

Watch: Full episode - The Five


Courtesy of HULU:

Circumstances and enemies separate Magnus, Ashley and Will. Now they must each decide whom to trust, and whom to flee.

Stargate SG-1 - GateWorld: Dan Shea Video Interview

At GateWorld:


GateWorld talks with Dan Shea

Saving the galaxy on a weekly basis can be dangerous work. Sometimes you can't make it through an hour without getting a little roughed up. And for many years, one man has been either getting roughed up or been the one in charge of making sure others do it safely -- Dan Shea.

As both Richard Dean Anderson's stunt double and Sergeant "Sly" Siler on-screen, or as SG-1' stunt coordinator off-screen, Shea has been instrumental in making all the fights, explosions and other stunts both fun to watch and harmless to those performing them.

GateWorld sat down with Dan earlier this year at the Creation Entertainment Stargate convention in Vancouver -- and it's the first time we've gotten the chance to talk with him. Due to time constraints, the interview is extremely short. However, in that brief time, Dan opens up about how he got into the stunt business, what brought him into the Stargate franchise, how he wound up in front of the camera as "Siler," and more!

GateWorld's video interview with Dan runs approximately six minutes, and requires QuickTime 7.0 or higher. An interview transcription is available at the link above. The interview is also available at GateWorld Play! (Please follow the link to view the video in its original format.)

A brief excerpt:

GW: How did you end up in front of the screen as Siler?
DS: There was just an audition and I remember, I went upstairs, and I started joking around. Brad [Wright] was in there, and Martin Wood, and I thought, "If you're trying to be funny, they'll like you and give you the part." The problem was, the guy was a computer geek, not funny. And so Greenberg gave me hell. Michael Greenberg. He said, "You fool, you have a chance to get this part. What are you doing, you blew it." And I thought I did good because they were laughing. Well, it was a serious role, so he made me go back and do it again, and spew out the techno-jargon, and I got it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Stargate Atlantis - Updates for Brain Storm/Infection

From the SciFi Channel's Stargate Atlantis site, updates for November 21, 2008:

Brain Storm

* Episode Synopsis

* Episode Photos

NEW Alex Levine blog update for Brain Storm

NEXT new episode: Infection airs Friday December 5 at 9pm on the SciFi Channel (US).

After a Wraith hive ship shows up over Atlantis transmitting a distress call, the team discovers that its crew has been stricken with a disease they helped create. Christopher Heyerdahl (Todd) and Kavan Smith (Maj. Evan Lorne) guest star.

Trailer for Infection at (please follow the link to view the trailer in its original format).

NEW Season 5 Quiz!


Stargate Atlantis - Video: Episode Trailer - Infection


(Please follow the link to view the trailer in its original format.)

Stargate Atlantis' 'Infection' airs Friday, December 5 at 9pm on the SciFi Channel (US). Guest starring Christopher Heyerdahl (Todd) and Kavan Smith (Maj. Evan Lorne).

Stargate Atlantis / SG1 - Merchandise - Quantum Mechanix: F-302 Tech Specs Poster

From the QMx Insider e-mail newsletter:

The much-anticipated Serenity/Stargate con in Burbank this weekend is a major milestone for us, featuring the largest number of new products we've ever introduced on a single day, plus our biggest product launch ever: We're talking 25 x 38 inches here!

But it just doesn't seem right to leave all the loyal Insiders who couldn't be in LA completely out of the festivities. So, while nothing can beat the pure joy of spending two days surrounded by like-minded individuals on a quest to have as much fun as possible, perhaps this will soothe the sting a bit.

During the run of the November 21-23, 2008 convention, all QMx Serenity, Stargate and Black Market Beagle products will be 10 percent off when you enter this code into the coupon field on our online store: CREATION. And ordering for a few of our hottest new products will open a couple days early - just so you can get the discount on them, too.

We're extending the same discount to folks who make it to the show as well. Just tell the QMx person at the booth "I'm an Insider," and they'll take 10 percent off your total purchase price.

If you can, be sure to drop by the show and say "hi." Nothing makes us happier than meeting our customers. And you never know. We might just have a surprise or two "flying" through the booth.

F-302 Technical Specifications Poster

This high-resolution rendering, taken directly from the CG files used to produce the visual effects on Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, marks the first time such detailed images of the F-302 have been published. View this beautiful ship from the top, bottom, side and front. Pore over callouts showing all the major systems and weapons.

The F-302 Technical Specifications Poster measures 17 x 22 inches and is printed on 100-lb. satin-finish paper. It retails for the low price of just $14.95.

F-302 Strategic Fighter Replica

The F-302 is the culmination of Stargate Command's effort to develop a strategic fighter/interceptor to challenge Goa'uld dominance of the air. Based on the successful X-302 prototype, which was reverse-engineered from the Goa'uld Death Glider, the F-302 is Earth's first true production starfighter and is our first line of defense against extraterrestrial threats.

Now you can own your own F-302 screen-accurate replica, taken directly from the Stargate SG-1 CGI files.

Stargate Atlantis / SG1 - Diamond Select Toys Blog Update Nov 21 '08

At the Diamond Select Toys blog update at Art Asylum for November 21, 2008:

(Please follow the link for the complete blog update.)

Questions and Answers # 15

DST Chuck tackles your questions about Battlestar Galactica and Stargate in this latest installment of Ask DST! Check out the full Q&A and find out the status of Stargate SG-1 Series 5, additional outfits for the 12" Stargate figures and much, much more!

Jack O'Neill 12" figure

Brian Petersen:
Will any alternate outfits be sold for the 12' Stargate figures?
DSTChuck: We do not have any plans to sell the outfits individually, but if the response is solid we'd love to make more 12" figures.

Callum Templeton:
Any Chance of the aliens from First Contact? And could you tell us what accessories Ronon comes with? Thanks.
DSTChuck: Not sure yet on aliens but I don't think so. Ronan comes with his blaster, GDO, P90, knife and sparring sticks.

James White:
Thanks again for taking time for these questions. I have a question this time about the 12" Stargate figures. Do you plan to release any accessory packs or different uniforms for these figures? It would be nice to have some offworld gear for them.
DSTChuck: NO problem, thanks for taking the time to write in. Right now, we don't think the line has enough depth to produce something like that, but yes - if the first three figures do we'll we'll add more to the line and mix in new accessories as well...

Cameron Mitchell 12" figure

Diamond Select Toys