(Please follow the link for the complete MGM Stargate article.)

Photo courtesy of MGM Stargate
Behind the Scenes: The Daedalus Variations
August 4, 2008 (Episodes)
Visual effects supervisor Mark Savela and writer Alan McCullogh take us behind the scenes of the Atlantis team’s reality-hopping adventure!
A brief excerpt:
“I hope fans enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it,” says writer/producer Alan McCullough of Stargate Atlantis’ latest action-packed installment.
The majority of the visual effects sequences in The Daedalus Variations were accomplished in-house by Mark Savela’s team, who had only just wrapped on the finals for the season opener, Search and Rescue.
“They worked their butts off on that show,” Savela laughs, in talking about his hard-working department. “It was a very complicated show for everyone involved, just in terms of screen direction and what was going on, and how much of the ship was working and what was powered up… there were lots of little details that needed to hold true throughout the episode. You couldn’t let any of that slip, because it wouldn’t look right...”

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